
COVID Diaries - May 7

I swear to you, I have no idea what day it is.  It's a week day?  I think.

I had this crazy dream last night.  I was with all these women.  The women my age and younger all had babies.  We all had newborns except My Pooky Bear who had a newborn and a 1 year old.  And then there were like "the grandmas".  You know, the women who'd raised their kids already but you could hand them any baby in any condition and they could comfort and care for said child.  So, like, I was holding my baby and walking around and it was lovely.  And then, someone else wanted to hold my baby, and I held my Pooky Bear's 1 year old (who was a boy in this dream, so not quite like real life), and then it was like "who's got my kid?" and I couldn't remember who had my kid. Or what my kid looked like.  I mean, I knew she was okay, but I couldn't find her and I'm like, what a dream-mom-failure am I?  I was glad I woke up from that one.

I had a surprisingly active day.  Also, I did not take a nap.

Exercise 1: Leg exercises and a 3.5 mile "run".  I've been having, um, fitness issues, for a while.  So I'm back to the low heart rate "I hate MAF" time. I'm trying to remember there will be a big pay off for this eventually.

Then I worked hard most of the day.  I had a lot of patient contacts, and doing some research on a couple things as well.

Towards the end of the day, I took a short walk.  I took pictures of nature.  It was lovely.

After supper, I had a bonus Zumba class since we got zoom bombed yesterday.  <i>(Like, WTF, who has time for that?)</i>

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