
COVID Diaries - May 25

Take care of my body: I am learning a new weights workout called "deck of cards".  I decided if I can fit that in every day, even one card as I walk by the table, it'll be nice.
Take care of my heart/mind: I went to a social distance patio party today and it made my heart bigger than I thought possible.  Now I am talking to Qat Lady and Pooky Bear.
Take care of my living space: I picked up a false indigo plant today from a friend.  It's not planted yet, but it is home. I have a space for it.
Take care of work or economic security: It's Memorial Day, so I did not work, nor did I shop.
A clipping or link from the news: I'm actually just going with the daily coronavirus update for today. More ICU cases.
Things I tried to buy that are out of stock, or things that are now being advertised or sold that are new: So, I saw a an ad for a device that fills all the water balloons at once.  And I'm like "litter"?
Picture from the day: Did I tell you about the blue heron I saw this morning.?
I am thankful for: Visits from friends.

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