
COVID Diaries - May 18

Trying something new on the blog. We'll see how it goes:

Take care of my body: I did make it out for a run.  My criteria was that the wind speed had to be less than 20mph before I headed out, so it was a later afternoon go. I re-cut my hair, so I could get everything even and let it all grow out the same length. I think I'll really like how it looks in a couple weeks.
Take care of my heart/mind: Y'all, I spent the afternoon talking to Max about a time capsule.  Also, I interviewed my parents for the time capsule. Made my life.  Max's mom was all "are you a cousin or an aunt?"  Like, technically on the family tree, I am a cousin.  But my relationship with Max is more like my relationships with my aunts/uncles than my cousins because of the age difference. I strongly desire to be "the cool aunt" for several of my cousins kids, just so we're clear.

Take care of my living space:
I washed my towels.  And I'm good with that for today.
Take care of work or economic security: Today is a day off work, but I did check on a couple things and call in to safety huddle.  A colleague wrote me saying "ok, you're the voice of reason, this policy change drives me nuts, what should we do?"  Turns out, I'd actually heard our leadership talk about this, and it's a policy change that even drove them nuts.  Leadership is working on it but I think it's going to take a minute to get it fixed, so I encouraged patience.  That's my Dad's voice coming out of my mouth.
A clipping or link from the news: Today is the first day of "safer at home" which is still restricted but less than the shut down we've had since mid-March.
Picture from the day: I wish y'all could HEAR the frogs in this pic.  It's amazing.

I am thankful for: I'm having so much fun talking to Max more.

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