
COVID Diaries - May 7, for reals this time

Okay, turns out yesterday was May 6, so we're having two posts with the same date.  Did I mention how no one knows what day or time it is.  Ever.  Is the sun shining?  It's day time. 

I got up and ran this morning.  I've been dealing with, well, I'm not sure what but things aren't quite right.  So I'm focusing a lot of running "easy" and keeping my heart rate low when I run.  Which means I'm walking quite a lot. (It's okay; I am under medical supervision. Sort of.)

Oh, random, did Blogger go back to the old interface?  It changed a week ago. I'm more familiar with old school, but both are fine.

So, part of work this morning was driving to meet a phenomenal colleague to pick up some paperwork I needed to review.  It was great to see her.  We discussed hair care.  Did I mention Olive provided clippers so I could shave my head earlier this week?  (Not really shave, there was an 8 guard on there.)

Next up, I got to meet up with Qat Lady, who I have not seen in person in so long it makes my heart hurt.  I needed someone to take my blood pressure ahead of a doctor visit and she won the prize. To celebrate nurses week, I got her Chipotle for lunch, because it was next to where we met for her to help me.

Free associating here: I have different people in my life who I love, who are different levels of health vs immune compromised vs having 'related' health conditions or whatever the word is now.  I just found out one of those beloved friends hasn't had human contact beyond window visits in over 50 days.  My heart hurts so badly right now. 

In the afternoon, I was freakishly productive for work.  Which is good and made me feel good.

We've had a situation at work where we needed to reduce the social work staffing ever so slightly.  I didn't think I'd be furloughed, but I knew I could be, and it had me worried.  See blood pressure above. I've worked in my current job since 2014.  There's six of us including me and I think we work well together.  We're usually able to find a solution where everyone comes out ahead, but I just didn't know with this.  Turns out, again, we're all winners here.  (There are going to be some changes that may be hard. But I feel like we've all been treated with care and respect.)

After work, I tried to take a walk with Captain Smiley.  But I had, um, issues and needed to make a beeline for home.  He didn't get the hint of "you can keep walking, I'm heading back, sorry".  I'm happy to report I did not poop my pants.

Zumba was cancelled.

Dungeon Master helped me know what to do with the potential frost warning for the next couple nights.  Several of my plants are safely inside but I was firm on the pansies staying outside.

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