
COVID Diaries - May 11, Redux

Phew, okay, y'all, there is still an option for classic blogger.

Like, why is HTML code so hard to recognize?

So, if I were more chatty, and like trusting that the blog post will come out right, I'd tell you all the things.

I had eyes the size of hub caps this morning and thought I could do all the running.  Turns out I didn't have breakfast and have actually lost some fitness so I cannot do all of the running.  But, also, I do not feel like death on toast when I get done with three miles.  So, that's good. 

I haven't told my coach all this? Maybe she'd want to know?  I'm not sure.  Comes from being an introvert, right?

Sherburne Wildlife Refuge was wonderful as always.  But apparently I need to sync my phone to my old computer more.  She's getting a bit full of data for now.  Sigh

On the way home, I faced construction and other logistical issues, which turned into "let's go to this other Costco which is mildly on the way home".  I straight up bought all of the fizzy water.  Because that's how life is going y'all.

For supper, I strongly considered a restaurant nearby but there website was having issues that made me not trust my order would be taken correctly.  So I wound up making myself pasta.  Mmmmm.

Then I talked to Mom and Dad for a while.

On Amazon Music, I'm over here reliving my high school years. It's been a lot of Dave Matthews Band and Matchbox 20. 

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