
COVID Diaries - April 25

So, I woke up around 8am, stayed in bed, and went back to sleep.

I woke up for reals around 11:30am.  After a bad dream about not making my mile.  Trying to run and trying to run, and literally, I couldn't go far enough.  There were walls and hedges and issues...

I am surprised to report that I wound up at Sherburne Wildlife Refuge today, after several days of me thinking I wouldn't go. I ultimately self-negotiated no trail running, but any walking, picture taking, and sketching that I wanted.   Honestly, it turned out to be a phenomenal day. 

Blue Hill Trail has an overflow parking lot. Y'all I did not even know there was another lot.  I've never seen more than two other cars besides me parked in the regular lot.  I decided to skip that walk in honor of social distancing.

I hiked the Oak Savannah... something.  There were a lot of Trumpeter Swans this time.  I also saw Loons, but they were so far away, I couldn't take a picture.  This is the site of "Dad thinks he'll be eaten by flies but really we just looked at Pelicans".  No pelicans today.  I guess that means I have to come back.  Right?

I also did the Wildlife Drive. It was fascinating to observe the wildlife.  I saw a Red Tail Hawk; nesting Bald Eagles, Blue Heron, Sand Hill Crane (I think only one?), some weird duck, Trumpeter Swans, and I basically don't even mention Canada Geese anymore, right? 

It was also fascinating to watch the humans/cars/bikes on the Wildlife Drive.  (I adore Wildlife Drive, and will sneak it in anyway I can.  Even on work days if I'm in the area.)  There were bikes, but they were actually finishing the loop as I was starting.  Some of the other cars went super fast, I just pulled over and let them go around.  A car or two was taking things as lazily as I was.  (Think 5-10mph for a 7 mile loop.) At least one car had humans wearing masks inside the car.

When I got home, I took a minute to gather myself.  Then I went out for my run.  I went a bit longer than 1 mile, and tried to enjoy the phenomenal weather we're having.

Next up was laundry.  Oh.  Y'all.  Sometimes I do not have enough drying racks.

I ended the evening with a Happy Hour Zoom call with my people.

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