
COVID Diaries - April 24

Today was my day of distance socialization. 

I woke up around 5am, and was all "well, the sun is coming up, I can go run, I'm sure I'll nap later". I saw the sun rise over the river while I was out.  I also spent some time finding a new path to the river because of the effing train in my way.  When I got home I did "weights" which is a band workout right now.

I tried very hard to log onto a webinar.  It didn't work.  I thought it was because I was on a mac, which has been an issue in the past.  I got an email later it was an issue with their server.

Instead, I talked to Baby Pooky who can now wave, and sometimes say hi, but I think she needs to know me better to talk on FaceTime.

And then I napped.  Hard.

Afterwards I sent a retirement card to one friend, birthday cards to Baby Pooky and Captain Smiley.  The birthday card design is clutch I think.

Next up was actually eating food.  I got carry out at Peppers and Fries and took it to Olive's back yard.  I stayed outside and we ate at least six feet away from each other. And her dog.  We sat outside and talked half the afternoon.  We could hear baby eagles, saw woodpeckers, etc.  It was awesome.

Since I was already on that side of town, I went to Riverview Theater and got some To Go Popcorn.  I wound up with a bonus visit to a friend (more a friend of Qat Lady's) and her kids.  Her kids knew Fiona and had a book about her.

When I got home, Captain Smiley and I had a physical distance happy hour on my patio.

Now, I'm catching up on the news. Someone who I will not name suggested we inject ourselves with bleach or lysol to treat the virus.  Like, really?  Maybe we should put some people on that?  So now Lysol and all of the other places literally had to do PSAs saying "please, do not main line bleach". 

In news that I think is beautiful, Calls to Prayer are broadcast to the Cedar Riverside neighborhood during Ramadan so that everyone can safely honor the holiday.

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