
Whole30 Day 28

Pre workout and post workout meals: Well, now, see...  Breakfast.  It was breakfast.
Breakfast: Potatoes, six minute eggs, bacon, coffee
Lunch: Kind of had this with supper.  This was not my best eating day.
Snacks: Does Kombucha count?
Supper: 2 chicken legs from my store bought compliant chicken.  Apples sauteed in butter.
Exercise: Run 4.5 miles, walk .5 miles, drills, core conditioning.  Plus at the end of the day, the Dungeon Master and I did the Super Bowl experience downtown.  So I was on my feet a lot. 
Shopping: Shopped for the week, including the aforementioned 'damn it, I didn't plan lunches, let's get a cooked chicken' chicken.
Cooking: Well not really.  But I did cut up some veggies for the week, so there's that.
Thoughts: It's day 28 and I'm nowhere near being done.  Dungeon Master was all, 'you know, that race next weekend' and I'm like 'it's two weeks away' because I'm literally counting the days.
I think the thing I miss the most this time is being able to go out with friends.

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