
COVID Diaries - June 23

Take care of my body: Had a lovely run this morning actually. Mostly running versus run/walk.  My bluetooth headsets just, like, died.  So I was glad my body felt so good, since I didn't have anything else to distract me.
Take care of my heart/mind: I scheduled a social distance birthday party/Pride party for Saturday. I will order donuts from Thirsty Whale, just because.
Take care of my living space: The shade sail continues to be a project.  I did finally put away the tools and debris from the weekend.
Take care of work or economic security:  I had actually a nice day at work.  Super productive at home and then took a road trip at the end of the day.
A clipping or link from the news: All my races are virtual this year.  Sigh.  I told Olive that she could ride her bike and pace me for all of the races. I need to find a mile long down hill for the one mile.  Maybe head back over to the Montreal Ave hill?
Things I tried to buy that are out of stock, or things that are now being advertised or sold that are new: I went down to my Co op for a shopping trip.  I got bacon, four pounds of butter, mushrooms (those are soft, I can chew them), the only bottled lime juice I'll purchase, and I forget what else.  It's an oddly specific shopping trip.
Picture from the day: I had a love run and this Egret was really great to watch on my multiple laps around the marsh this morning.

I am thankful for: I'm actually really enjoying the Percy Jackson series.  I had a lot of time to listen to those books as I was stuck in traffic in South Minneapolis.

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