
Liz dream: Where are the walls?

Dream Liz is home shopping for the town house next to Captain Smiley. (Dream Liz and Dream Captain Smiley would share a wall.)

So, Dream Liz shops, and looks around, and is all "of course I'm going to buy this".

And then Dream Liz goes downstairs into the living area of the home.  Except there's no wall between this unit and the next unit (not Captain Smiley, on the other side).  There's just a division in the living room of furniture.  Like a line of couches and chairs down the middle.

Dream Liz looks at the other owner and is like "how does this work?" and "what if you're watching TV and I want quiet?" and the other owner is all ::shrug:: "I don't know, it's just always worked".  And for some reason, Dream Liz is still all "of course I'm going to buy this".

And then Dream Liz goes up somehow to the 3rd floor, and this time walks the other way, and just is like, inside Captain Smiley's unit.  So I guess that wall we share doesn't go all the way up.

It's at this point that Dream Liz realizes that all four units in the building are sort of connected with hallways, no walls or doors, and so all the units can just roam freely in each other's spaces. And still, Dream Liz is all "of course I'm going to buy this".

It was about then that I woke up at 3am and didn't get back to sleep until 6:30am, shortly before my alarm woke me up for reals. 

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