
Long Run Sunday: 20 miles

Plan: Run 20 miles; attempt the 'run/walk' feature on the Garmin.
Actual Mileage: 20.95 miles. 
Route: I used the "big 20 mile loop around Minneapolis" that you may be familiar with if you've ever trained for a marathon here. The last time I personally have done this route was way back in 2013 the last time I trained for a marathon.
Weather: Started at 28* and cloudy with very little wind. Wind kicked up around the lakes, and it got warmer during the run, probably finished around 40*.
WardrobeThis was such a debate for me last night!
Bottoms: Pink running pants.
Tops: Long sleeve running shirt, grey sweat shirt
Feet: Wool compression socks (I feel like they should let me be one of their athletes with how much I talk about these socks), and Altra Trail shoes.
Other: Buff on my head, sunglasses, Nathan running vest
Execution: First attempt at a true run/walk.  I used a 4:00 running, 1:00 walking interval. Run/walk made me think I could push harder on race day if I need to.  I should have some control in the beginning (this is a negative split race).  And built in rests on that climb in the first half of the race.  Mostly, I just wanted to play with the watch itself to see how the intervals control works, the vibration alarms, etc.  Outcome: The watch alerts for run/walk, and gives me a run/walk timing screen, but still laps normally each mile.  (I honestly wasn't sure what it would do.)
Nutrition: I ate a whole avocado with salt before I left. During the run, I had some chews and part of a cashew larabar.  I had one flask of water and one of juice/water mix.  Later in the run I was all "I hate anything going into my stomach" which I remember from past marathons.  The trick with this particular race I think will be to remember to pass through certain water stops without taking anything. There are a lot of water stops in this race.  I had salt tabs every 5 miles and those are working like gangbusters.
From today, I learned: The most important thing for today was to try the run/walk interval.
I also spent an inordinate amount of time thinking about my shoe choice for race day. I've run so many long runs in my Altra trail shoes (thanks winter) that I may just wear these on race day.  The hang up has been 'it's a road race and these are trail shoes'.  But, hey, nothing new on race day right? 
Bonus: Did I tell you about Olive meeting me at the end and doing my cool down walk with me?  She brought me a fizzy water.

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