
Get in Gear - 9 and 8 Weeks to Go

A note to my future self here: This is about the time coronavirus came to the US.  I had a vacation and then my job (in health care) went wild for obvious reasons.  Also, my body tried to attack me this week because I'm a woman, so, lot's going on here.  Therefore, a very late update.

9 Weeks to Go
Sunday: 1.19 miles running in Minneapolis before heading out of town.
Monday: 4.6 miles in Florida (it feels so good to be hot and sweaty) and walking drills.
Tuesday: 3.33 miles run, 1.4 mile walk.  This was the day I thought my tooth was poking through my gums in a way it should not have been. So there's also that going on.
Wednesday: 2 miles run, speed work delayed a day for weather
Thursday: 4.89 miles including tempo work.  This also includes a box truck trying to hit me and me taking a massive trip.  I stayed on my feet my torqued my leg, which becomes relevant later.
Friday: 2 miles run
Saturday: 6.95 miles run.  This was a nice easy long run with an angry leg.

8 Weeks to Go
Sunday: 2 miles run
Monday: 5.7 miles run, still on a bum leg and I may have tripped again here. 
Tuesday: 2 miles run, walking drills, and a long sad plane ride back to the snow.  Which, mercifully was trying to melt.
Wednesday: 4.65 miles, no speed because I am blah.
Thursday: 1.2 miles easy
Friday: 1.18 miles easy
Saturday: An emotional 5.49 miles.  I went a route I haven't taken in a long time.  One of the most recent times I tried this route I was attached, and then the snow started, and... it was time for me to get back on the horse.  That's the only win for the day because I felt like garbage and my heart rate was super high.

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