
The Downside of the Flu Shot

I got "the crud" last night from the flu shot and spent most of today battling it as well. To make me even more uncomfortable, it was 85* in my condo. I got out the air mattress and took some nyquil. I slept reasonably well (thank you drugs). Although this morning I wasn't sure if I had a fever. Turns out my apartment was just really hot. How bad did I feel? I didn't even want coffee.

More on the multi-vitamin front because I've been reading your comments. I now take it after dinner. I decided that it was the heat that was keeping me awake before and not the multivitamin. I took a pill right before eating lunch on Sunday and threw my lunch back up because of it. I've taken it in the morning after a good breakfast (read eggs, bacon and toast) but not on anything less. I take Centrum one a day for Women. It was the only one with the right amount of iron for me.

I went to Target tonight. I'm overwhelmed by the amount of food, and the variety there. Really on some stuff the variety isn't that good but name me one other store that has three types of Turkey Bacon. Yum. The downside of Target is their soda is rarely on sale. Boo. I also learned that at Target a photo id is not required to purchase nyquil or generic forms of the drug. The only drug that can be purchased without an id is children's tylenol. Way to stop the meth labs and kids overdosing on cough medicine.

What have I found on the internet while I've been convalescing?
Indonesia says if the world wants to save their forests and endangered species, we should put our money where our mouth is. I thought, why not? It's what the nature conservancy does. Instead of an outright donation, why not forgive some foreign debt or build roads and plumbing. Just a thought.

Barack Obama promises a net neutrality law if elected. There's something we agree on.

The psychology of how men and women argue, and why we do it differently. Which we do.

A great clip from the Daily Show, has sound, probably not safe for work unless you have earphones. There's a fantastic line about Fox News in there and stick around for the end of the clip. My jaw dropped.

One third of employees violate company IT policies. I am in this one third. Want to know why? I got in trouble for installing Firefox on my computer. We almost had another discussion about how Internet Explorer can be the default browser even though I deleted the desktop shortcuts. But I've made peace with the IT lady since writing that.

Be Healthy and Give up Caffeine and Coffee. Boo. Obviously I linked to the Digg page because we should get to read everyone else's comments as well.

And finally, this tape would have been nice when I was painting my hallway. I probably wouldn't have had these issues.


  1. 1) I violate IT policies all the time. It makes work much more enjoyable.

    2) While consulting about the striped paint problem, someone told me that perhaps a really good primer would have done the trick. It would have given the paint something to stick to that wasn't tape.

    3) My problem with the "how men and women argue differently" article was that I apparently argue like a man. Boo. I already have enough problems with arguing, like I need to be told I do it like a man.

  2. The CDC and I disagree with you. The flu shot does not give people "the crud". Whatever you had, you got elsewhere. Or, perhaps you had side effects not documented in any of the CDC's many research programs involving the flu vaccine?

    I think you just had "crud". A more likely explanation is that you picked it up at work.
