
4 more miles down

I am pleased to report that after not running yesterday, I did run today. After work, but I still ran. I'm planning on going to the gym tomorrow morning. I think I can, I think I can... I think I have to because the gym was crazy busy tonight. I forgot how it gets after work in the winter. It's ridiculous to me how many people work out in the evening compared to the morning. Fascinating...

I ran 4 miles in... I don't know how long it took because I wore the wrong shoes. I have the old pair of running shoes and the new pair with the Nike+ sensor in it. But I wasn't expecting to run when I went to the gym so I wore the old shoes. I had to run because there was no way I was getting near a machine right then. I'm glad I did though because I wound up feeling much better afterwards.

So let's update our total board. This week I have run: 4 miles. This month, I have run 19 miles. Still to run this week: 11 miles. Still to run in October: 46 miles. If you think I wasn't counting down from 50 to 46 in my head while I was running, you're nuts. I was loving every minute of it too.

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