
Quality Miles Monday: Hill Repeats

Plan: Warm up 1 mile; 8x1:00 hill sprints (with recovery back down); 1 mile cool down
Actual Mileage: 4.8 miles
Route: I went around the new little ponds I discovered, over to the pedestrian bridge over Highway 100, and use the ramps up to the bridge as my hills. They were 5 seconds short of a minute.
Weather: Kind of humid actually, or maybe I was just working too hard?
Warm up: 1.7 miles.  This is kind of long, but it felt right to me.
1. 10:26/mile
2. 10:52/mile
3. 11:11/mile
4. 11:03/mile
5. 11:34/mile
6. 11:04/mile
7. 11:14/mile
8. 11:18/mile
Cool down: There was a bonus hill as part of the cool down. Cooling down was roughly 1.5 miles, so that was long too.
From today, I learned: Swing my arms and use my abs up the hills.  Also, pick up the knees and take little steps (like a low gear in a car) and things will go better.  This workout felt hard but not impossible.  I definitely slowed down as I went.
Bonus: I saw a fox on the golf course today.

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