
Quality Miles Monday - 1:00 on

Plan: Warm up 1 mile.  10x 1:00 hard, 1:00 easy.  Cool down 1 mile
Actual Mileage:  4.67 miles
Route: Victory Memorial and the river. There are actual hills on this route.  Shorter than on race day but also steeper.

Weather: OMG, I was in heaven this morning. It was in the mid 50s and super sunny.
Head: Visor
Body: Ink n Burn outfit.  I love their shorts so hard.
Feet: Xero Prios
Warm up: Done
Hard/easy - I did not look at my watch much.  I just tried to run fast.
1. 8:50/mile
2. 8:54/mile
3. 8:37/mile
4. 9:23/mile
5. 9:33/mile
6. 9:04/mile
7. 10:14/mile - this one I have no explanation
8. 10:48/mile - this one had 20 feet of climbing just in that one minute
9. 8:48/mile
10. 9:29/mile

From today, I learned: Not looking at the watch seems to have paid off for me.  I was just trying to turn my legs over quickly but have a 'relaxed hard pace'.  Not like I was sprinting from a lion, but like I was trying to move for sure.
Also, for this workout on this course, I wish I'd made the warm up a bit longer.  I knew the mileage was going to be over what coach wanted, so I had the distance in there to play with.  I think that would've been better than having a forever long cool down.
Bonus: I did not get stopped by a train today.   Also, found some more 'Cottonwood Snow'.  Olive told me it's highly flammable. I was partly like "oh, of course it is" and partly like "how did that come up?"

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