
COVID Diaries - Catching Up

So far, this week has been 100 days long.  Good thing I have records of my exercise so I know what did or did not happen recently.

Saturday July 18: Last week was also 100 days long, And Saturday was hotter than fire.  I went to the gym in the afternoon and did some treadmill work but not a lot.  I also checked out a new taco place.  The tacos were fine, but no one else has salsa like Los Ocampo, so it's never the same.  We did not Zoom happy hour which I missed; but I think people needed a break which I also get.
Point it information: It was 90* and 95% humidity, the dew point was above 80*.  I accidentally found a disaster pan full of water when I looked in my machine closet.  So, obviously, that's a late FaceTime call with Olive.  At first we thought it was the water heater so I got that turned off.  Then we identified the source of the water as actually the a/c unit.  Well fuck.  Olive thought maybe the a/c had just been overwhelmed with the moisture in the air.  I pulled out my air mattress, went downstairs, and decided to evaluate in the morning.

Sunday July 19: I also woke up late and had minor motivation to exercise, but also significant motivation to sleep.  The events of last night took their toll.  When I woke up, the disaster pan was mostly dry, so that was encouraging.  I spent the morning attempting to make homemade roast beef in my instant pot.
I got a hot afternoon workout in.  I wound up with a sunburn.  Sigh. I had to run over to work to make some copies, random why it happened on a Sunday but it was no problem.  On the way home I tried a new produce store that was both adorable and out of cilantro.  So, parsley chimichuri sauce for me.  In the evening, the disaster pan started to fill more water again.  Doh.

Monday July 20: In which I work and my day explodes at 3:30pm.
First thing I called into a safety meeting for work (standard, quick). Afterwards I called my HVAC guy and set up a service call.  I was surprised but grateful he was able to fit me in the next day. He did ask me to turn off all my HVAC stuff so any ice would melt.
At 9:00am, I had an appointment at the DMV to get a new driver license.  No one batted an eye at my old DL being expired by 30 days.  I am surprised to tell you I had all of the correct documents on my first try.  That online registration really helped.  I followed it to the letter. Sadly the DMV was running behind because some agents were in a training, but things can only get so slow by 9am and the lady who helped me was super sweet. I left by 10am feeling liked I'd climbed a mountain.
I worked all morning.
At 1pm, I had a dentist appointment. This was a regular cleaning, and they basically didn't touch the area that'd had work done in June, other than to take a peek and tell me it appeared to be healing nicely.  Dentist is next to Lake Nokomis, so obviously that's where I got my run in on Monday afternoon, followed by a quick jump in the lake.
I knew I'd be working late because of the time out of my day earlier (and I felt fine about that), but at 3:30pm, all hell broke loose. (This is, apparently, why we have two people on Mondays right now.)  I think there were three emergencies I managed, but I kind of lost track.
I ordered Chipotle at the end of that work day; no way was I cooking.
I slept on the air mattress again.  Mercifully it was a super cool evening and I had the windows open and the fan on. I slept like the dead.

Tuesday July 21: This work week is already five days long.  How is it only Tuesday?
My HVAC person called and asked if he could see me first instead of in the middle of  the day.  It was raining and mine was an "inside job" versus some of the other things on his agenda.  I happily agreed.  It turned out to be something I couldn't have fixed this time (due to the part was made up and held together with duct tape), but I could attempt to problem solve in the future (since he put a new/correct part back in for me.) 
I worked all of the day.  I mean, all day.  One of the things I needed to address kept morphing and changing and new layers were added. And some of the issues I identified were upsetting and needed to be problem solved. So, I mean, wow, it was a long day.  One of my coworkers really showed me a lot of grace at the end of the day, and took some stuff of my plate which was a huge relief.
So, Captain Smiley and I went for a walk.  We pretend house shopped, and yard shopped.  (Just pretend, we both like where we are.) We have an ongoing joke about "the yard I'd want" versus "this is how my yard would actually look".  Though, I have to say, for myself, I'm kind of loving spending time outside with my plants, so maybe it wouldn't be quite that bad? 
After our walk, I hit up a short run.  It was after the run that I identified perhaps my hot water heater wasn't working properly after I touched it the other day? Like, the water in the shower used to be hot, but wasn't anymore.  So, I problem solved, and asked Olive for a consultation/work check the next day.

Wednesday July 22: I have a running buddy y'all.
I had the day off work for changing my schedule earlier in the week. 
Olive came over around 9am and said she wanted to do longer than last week.  So, we aimed for 7-8 miles.  She bikes.  I run/walk.  I ran much more than normal today because, yo, it was 60* when we started and didn't get a ton warmer.  I was toast by the end of the run though.
After first meal, I napped hard. 
I had an alarm set for 2pm so I could hear the governor/state address.  We're going to a mask mandate, which is expected. I appreciated that state officials took so much time to explain the science behind it, and also the numbers/economics of the mandate.  The governor was also very clear he wants kids in school if it's possible but apparently there's an announcement about that coming next week. 
I talked to Dad.  He got to see Grandma today.  I cannot describe how wretched it has been to not be able to see her at all.  Though, I don't think I need to with some many other families in the same boat.  So, Dad sent me a pic, one of the staff must've taken it of him and Grandma.  So that made my heart happy.
For supper, I had one of my last hello fresh meals; there's more left than I thought.  Then, I addressed the dishes.  Oof.  Those had gotten a bit out of control
Now I'm sitting out on the patio enjoying the awesome Minnesota summer weather before it gets hot as hell again this weekend.

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