
Surprise Long Run

Plan: Out and back on the parkway.  Turn around is 35th.
Actual Mileage: 6.18 miles.
Route: The parkway.  I was not stopped by trains but it was a close thing.
Weather: Apparently it was 16* for this run. The 7mph winds were for real too.
Wardrobe: I finally have to write about my wardrobe again, because I was cold.
Top: Red long sleeve shirt, puffy vest, windproof jacket
Bottom: Shorts under sweat pants
Feet: Compression socks, second socks, Altra trail shoes. 
Other: My favorite hat, gloves.
High Points of the workout: I went fast.  My long runs are getting faster.
Struggles of the workout: First struggle was the cold. I told my coach I have gone soft since not marathon training. Second struggle was that I think I took the fifth mile too fast, or I was taking it too fast and then slowed down.  I realized I need to "keep going" for the sixth mile because that's how a race would be.  Also, it's too damn cold to slow down.
From this, I learned: Dress warmer on the bottom.  I should've had full tights.  I'm actively trying not to learn much from my pace. I was telling myself "focus on effort.  There's no oxygen in this air so you don't know how fast you'll go when it's warmer".  That's basically true.
Next steps: I do the long run mileage based on what my coach gives me.  I may ask for some longer runs, so I can focus on the 'middle six' and have more of a warm up and cool down incorporated.
Bonus: I loved the out and back on the parkway.  I hadn't been down that far in a long time.

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