
Quality Miles Monday: Half Mile Repeats

Plan: 4x0.5 miles at 10:00/mile, 0.25 miles easy

Actual Mileage:
0.75miles walking warm up
4 miles - actual work out including 0.5 miles running cool down
0.25 miles walking cool down

Route: I did this on the treadmill.

0.75 miles walking warm up, watch off.  Starting at 3.0mph and going eventually up to 3.6mph
0.5 miles 'warm up' running going from 4.2 to 4.4mph
Sets 1, 2, and 3 were 0.5 miles at 6.1mph or 9:50/mile, and 0.25 miles at 4.4mph (I think)
Set 4 started at 6.1mph until half way, and then incrementally got jacked up all the way to 6.6mph, but most of it was at 6.1 and 6.2mph.
Running cool down was starting at 4.9mph and basically going down 0.1mph every 0.1 miles, until I got to 4 miles.
0.25 miles walking cool down.
Bonus abs workout as well

From today, I learned: My first point here is that I legit took out my ear buds for this workout.  It was easier for me to count my paces and stay in a rhythm that way.
Second point is I tried to focus on having 'light' footsteps.  The first set, I felt like my foot was slapping the treadmill or something.
Third point is that I really tried to not have "chicken wings" on the treadmill.  Which is an issue I've noted in the past as well.  I did try to tuck in and stay compact.
Fourth point is that I'm glad I could keep running after the fourth set.  Even though part of me was all "how am I going to run a whole race faster than this?!?" 

Bonus: The showers at the gym are not fixed.  Apparently they'll be done tomorrow.

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