
Marshmallow Training - 8 Weeks to Go

Sunday Planned: 15 miles long run 6 miles easy?  Or 1 mile if I don't want to go anywhere?
Sunday actual: 1.5 miles in the slush and misery
From today, I learned: If my feet are going to get wet, make sure it's close to home?

Monday Planned: Tempo Run, Monday Abs, Monday Weights
Monday actual: Tempo run done; no abs or weights
From today, I learned: I just need to give up on the idea of doing abs/weights after tempo runs

Tuesday Planned: Run 1 miles
Tuesday actual: Monday abs; 1.16 miles on the track
From today, I learned: Totally worth my time to run inside today because outside is beyond lousy with puddles, potholes, and all kinds of issues.  Also, how are there only 8 weeks left?!?

Wednesday Planned: 7 miles easy, weights
Wednesday actual:  7 miles on the track at the gym.  Wednesday weights.
From today, I learned: I kept telling myself I have tomorrow off work and mostly off running so I should suck it up and do weights no matter how tired I am.  It was the right choice.
Also, I saw one of the trainers 'running to work' as I was parking my car, so I had to ask her about outside conditions.  She said the puddles are an issue but the ice is a much bigger issue and made her run no fun.  So I'll be inside for a while still.

Thursday Planned: Run 1 miles
Thursday actual: 1.21 miles in Yak Trax in the rain. 
From today, I learned: If you'd told me before that in March I'd be running in Yak Trax and 40* and rain and be happy about it, I would've been really sad for the rest of winter.  And yet, here we are.

Friday Planned: Run 1 miles, weights
Friday actual: 6 miles, easy, on the track.  Friday weights
From today, I learned: I went to Pineda Tacos after this workout.  I learned they can do 2,4, or 8 tacos but 6 is not possible. I have no idea why. But, Pineda Tacos is next to the gym, so I can walk over after my workout and that's super convenient.

Saturday Planned: Run 6 miles
Saturday actual: 16 miles long run, because as lousy as I feel today it will probably be worse tomorrow.
From today, I learned: How to run when I feel like garbage?  Also, electrolytes will probably be important on race day.

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