
Quality Miles Monday

Plan: 1 mile w/u
4x 0.5 miles at 10:30/mile, 0.5 miles at 12:00/mile
1 mile d/c

Actual Mileage: 6 miles

Route: Indoor track, 6 laps is a mile

Execution: This was a hard workout.  I would've hit the paces better on the treadmill, but I was happier on the track
1 mile w/u
0.5 miles at 10:20/mile; 0.5 miles at 12:02/mile - ok; first set was right on
0.5 miles at 10:46/mile, 0.5 miles at 12:06/mile - second one was a little slow really pretty good.  It's hard to pace on the track
0.5 miles at 10:32/mile, 0.5 miles at 12:30/mile - fast part good, slow part was too slow
0.5 miles at 10:46/mile, 0.5 miles at 12:36/mile - fast part was hanging on, slow part was trying not to die
1 mile c/d

From today, I learned: This was a lot more 'hard' or 'harder' running than any of the past tempo workouts.  Most of those were a few minutes on and then an easy portion.  This was 4 miles of pretty hard, and then hard running.
Later, talking with my coach, she says "my athletes usually hate me for this one".  It wouldn't have helped me to know that before today. 

Bonus: One of the trainers at the gym came over to me today and was all "I didn't know you were a streaker"  She's at about 2 years and thinking 'how will I keep this going after the marathon?"  I did one run the day after a marathon and it was one of my more painful runs ever. 

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