
COVID Diaries - August 5

I'm trying to eat in a healthy manor, but not "take anything out" or cut out any foods if that makes sense.   So, yesterday, I was pretty good and then I wanted mac and cheese at night, and I was cool with that.  Y'all, I slept like the dead.  Except, the dreams I was having, I hate the dreams where all the toilets are dirty or... it doesn't matter. I hate those dreams.

Olive came over and we did a morning run/bike.  Meaning I ran/walked and Olive biked.  This continues to be my most favorite part of the week.  Next time my involve Olive leading me along a massive down hill for a fast mile.  I'm unclear.

I had coffee and worked for the morning. Mornings are always communicating with families and professional entities.  Because these people are like, awake, during quarantine.

For lunch, I hit up North Market for half off produce Wednesday. If you don't know North Market yet, totally your loss.  This is my most favorite store, even over my co-op and Hy Vee. I had a steak salad with spinach, arugula, and blue cheese.

Work kind of went wild in the afternoon, which seems to be the pattern around here. That's okay for me, given the mornings are lighter right now. I did my best and wrapped up before 6pm.

Captain Smiley invited me over for a steak.  I may have moaned when I met the steak in person.  I can't remember because there was wine involved as well.  It's hard to say. Right now, I'm sitting at home pretending I don't speak Spanish.  Cheers?

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