
COVID Diaries - August 4

Today is Tuesday. This is my first work day after what I'm dubbing "full moon Friday", which was about as fun as it sounds.

I woke up and made a short run.  The weather was nice and cool, and lovely.  I had to head to the grocery store because I was out of cream for my coffee, and that's no way to start the day.  What is the deal with trains parking on the tracks at this time every weekday morning?

Then, I worked all day.  My colleagues agree we have little contact with patients in the morning, and then everything explodes in the afternoon.  I'm learning to adjust.

After work, I took a "cool down walk" which has become something I look forward to every day.  I'm finally through the Percy Jackson series so I'm reading a book by the current CEO of Microsoft right now.  So far, I'm enjoying it but I'm only an hour in.

I remain fascinated by all the feelings surrounding Cup Foods.  For most of my time in Minnesota, I've lived quite close to the store.  It's been my UPS package pick up location for years.  (Getting packages dropped at my old condo was next to impossible.).  The sentiment from the article that the store "doesn't hire black people" is consistent with my experiences.  Meanwhile, in my trips there, the overwhelming majority of customers I'd see were black.  This statement from the article rings true to me, based on my own interaction with the store as a customer and neighbor:
“I remember when Cup foods moved in here and wouldn’t hire Black people to work here,” she said as she spoke to a small crowd outside of the store. “For over 30 years, it’s not just Cup Foods that has ignored us and preyed upon us.”

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