
Would you ever...

I was reading a race recap and at the end, the author asks " Do you have a hard time paying for local races if you run the route on a regular basis?" which obviously turned my brain on.  There are some races here I adore, train on the course, and look forward to.  And there are some that I'm like "no, this is a stupid course and I cannot deal".  There's also a couple that I'm all "no, this is a ridiculous race organizer and they cannot have my money".

Races I'll definitely run, and I do train on the course:
Twin Cities Marathon and TC 10 Miler: I will always pay for because they are THE race of the year, and usually my A race. Races and packet pick up are really well organized (which feels different than the authors post).  It's such a fun atmosphere because it pulls out tons of people from the community.   The race is so well supported that runners can really get the best out of themselves on the course.

Get in Gear (when it doesn't conflict with the Flying Pig).  Again, it's a well organized race.  I and friends of mine have had a blast there in the past.  It's also sometimes used as a championship race so it pulls in some super fast runners.  I haven't run this one a ton because it's the week before Flying Pig, but I often come out and cheer. Last time I was there to run, I had a great race.

Flying Pig.  Not that I live in Cincinnati but I train on the full course when I'm home (miles 10-13 or so?).  When I'm doing long runs, I do wind my way down to the half marathon course as well.  Again, it's THE race for the area.  It's well supported.  Also, these miles of the race are not known for their nature and scenery.  Cheering crowds are usually a lot of fun though.

Races I'll sometimes run, and I do train on the course:
5K at Lake Nokomis: Am I in the mood to race?  Is the race reasonably priced?  Do I like the race organizer?  If the answers to those questions are yes, I'd hit it up whenever.  But there are some crazy expensive races sometimes (Hot Chocolate Run?  Bacon Run?  Pretty much any race named after a food.)

Races I don't plan to run because of the course:
City of Lakes Half Marathon is two loops around Lake Harriet and Bde Maka Ska. Just, no.  I'm not paying any money for that course.  It's a two loop course, which is boring, and I can only imagine how crowded it gets when the fasties are on their second loop.

Hot Dash.  I'm sorry, I totally avoid this one.  (Even though it's a TCM race, which means it's well organized.)  This is a different course than the year I ran it.  Even now, it feels like 'these are the roads the City of Minneapolis will let us use today' rather than a course that really captures my interest.

Bonus: Races I don't train on the course a ton, but I love the idea of the course: 
Red White and Boom has a great course.  It's the only really big event I know of that highlights Victory Memorial Parkway and North Minneapolis.

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