
Quality Miles Monday - not so fast?

Plan: 3x 1 mile at goal race pace

Actual Mileage: 5.58 miles

Route: Along the creek and the river, the 'longer' route goes farther north before coming home

Weather: Glorious.  In the 60s with some wind.  I was planning on doing this one on the treadmill.  (Perhaps that would've been the better choice?)  I just couldn't make myself go inside for this one. 

Execution: From "ok" to 'meh' to 'big fat fail'
  • Warm up: I warm up over a mile, because I had to make sure I wasn't going to get stopped by a train in the middle of a fast set.
  • Round 1: 10:04/mile.  This is basically the right pace, a couple seconds off, but there's a lot of twists and turns under the bridges down there.
  • Round 2: 10:46/mile.  This is too slow. Oh good, I'm starting up a hill, my favorite I knew this one might be off.  I tried not to care, but also to make up the speed.
  • Round 3: 11:04/mile.  I don't know what my issue was here.  I was soooo stiff, I just could not make my body turn over any faster. I really tried to focus on a strong back kick and 'clawing' the ground to propel myself forward but nothing helped.

From today, I learned: I'm still processing.  I think I could've hit the paces on a treadmill but it would've been hard.  But I need to learn how to hit these paces on the road.  So I'm not sure if I should just never see the treadmill again, or if I should go there sometimes for a morale boost. For today, I think I'm proud of myself for trying the harder thing even though it didn't work out perfectly.

Bonus: Let me tell you about all of the cooking I did today.  It's been wild! I'm sort of doing W30, but obviously not the full on version because the first thing I did was...
  • Making yogurt.  This is my first attempt.  I used whole milk and no cream.  It's currently straining in the fridge to turn into 'Greek' yogurt.
  • Rosemary Chicken Thighs with fresh rosemary from my garden. I used lemon juice from a whole lemon instead of broth for my marinade.  And there's a lot of garlic in mine.  I think it's the best chicken I've ever made.
  • I had the chicken with some potatoes and some Sage Mushrooms (the sage is also from my garden).  Fungus was made yesterday.
  • Chile Verde is made but I have not cooked up the meat with it.  My slow cooker was busy making yogurt.
  • Lastly, I made Steak Bites for lunch for the week.  I knew my mental health was improving today when I set off the smoke detector and got annoyed rather than having a panic attack.  Life is what it is. 

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