Weekly Miles Planned: 30 Miles
Actual: 30.13 Miles
Long Run Miles Planned:10 or so
Actual: 10.73 miles Sunday
Sunday Planned: 6-10 Miles at MAF, Sunday Kettlebell Workout, Sunday Abs
Run: 10.73 Miles in the morning.
Kettlebell workout: done with a 10kg bell and a 6kg bell. Which, after seeing my heartrates from the run, this was the right decision.
Abs: Done.
From today, I learned: Going hard can be fun!
Monday Planned: 6-10 Miles at MAF, Plyos
Actual: 5.3 Miles in the cool fall morning. 3 minutes 'finisher'
From today, I learned: Take it easy and listen to my body. Run my run and don't get distracted by what else is going on.
Tuesday Planned: 4-6 Miles at MAF, Lift Weights
Actual: 4.3 Miles in the morning along the Greenway. Tuesday weights.
From today, I learned: I went to Goodwill for my Pre-Race throw away clothes. Thanks to Blue Tag Tuesday, I paid $3 including a $0.50 donation. And I learned that every Tuesday it's a different color tag that's on sale. Also, this was a great run. But for some reason Strava isn't showing me other runs on this same route right now, so I'm going to go learn more about that.
Wednesday Planned: 1 Mile Run
Actual: 1.2 miles run after work.
From today, I learned: I used this run to practice a high cadence.
Thursday Planned: 4-6 Miles at MAF, Lift Weights
Run: 4.3 miles on the Greenway. Low HR and a good pace.
Weights: Thursday weights done except the assisted pull up machine was being used so I did barbell rows again.
From today, I learned: Weights: I feel like I'm getting better at front squats. I need to remember to warm up my wrists for that exercise. this video was very helpful in making sure I do my warm ups properly.
Run: So, I ran by this dude laying on the ground not even a mile into my run. I was pretty sure he was just passed out, but I felt conflicted. On the one hand, I don't want to be the kind of person who just runs by someone without offering help. On the other hand, there was no way I was going to actually check on him myself. (I think every female runner understands this; it's just a safety thing.) But when I came back that way at the end of the run he had moved on, so I felt less conflicted.
Friday Planned: 1 Mile Run
Actual: 1.2 miles in the early morning.
From today, I learned: Sometimes running in the dark is better. I couldn't really 'see the course' today so I wound up daydreaming a bit and the run went by really fast for a slow run.
Saturday Planned: 4-6 Miles at MAF, Plyos
Actual: 3.1 miles in the morning, 3 minutes finisher. I did not look at my watch at all for this run. I ran completely by pace and listened to my body. I haven't looked at paces yet, I wanted to write my summary first.
From today, I learned: Slow down and listen to my body.
Before and After - Weather
This week, I started on Sunday wearing shorts and a tank to work out. On Monday, it was still warm running weather. By Saturday, fall came roaring in.
Linkfest - fat bombs, warm ups, and bears! Oh my.
- I made these Keto Coconut Fat Bombs and I'm not totally in love. They really just taste like a big hunk of butter. But I have used them as pre-run fuel for some runs over 2 hours. I have to get rid of them somehow.
- The Minnesota Anthem is one of the best things I've ever heard. "Duck, duck, grey duck!"
- There's been an ongoing issue with homelessness in Minneapolis, made visible by a large camp near a very busy road. This is a really nice look at who is actually living in the camp, and who is helping out. ‘A blessing,’ ‘a family,’ and ‘a shame on Minneapolis’: Voices from the Hiawatha Avenue homeless encampment | MinnPost
- As a female runner, I wish there were more articles about this topic. Female Physiology in Endurance Running – iRunFar.com A really comprehensive look at issues half of the running population faces.
- This article is helping me formulate a plan in my head for my upcoming Marathon Training. Why Running for Time, Not Distance Might Be Best For You • Running For Real. One of the plans I'm looking at is totally time based. I think I need to adjust the times to get to the right mileage for a training cycle for me. This article is giving me ideas about how to do that.
- I try to do a good warm up before I lift weights. This is one of the exercises I always do before squatting. How to Perform the 90/90 Hip Stretch - Movement Fix I love how he's all 'lot's of people mess this up'. It does make more sense now.
Downtown Before and And After
This is a 'before and after' from the same day. I started this run around 6:30am and sunrise is around 7am. Starting off I had a great view of the sun reflecting off the buildings downtown. The lighting was quite different towards the end of the run.
Long Run Sunday
Plan: Start around 6:30, don't look at the watch, practice the hills.
After the run, Sunday weights and Sunday abs.
Route: I call this the "Thank God the Roads Are All Open" Route. I run it usually at least once before the 10 miler. It includes parts of the course including that hill up to Franklin Ave and the enter into St Paul.
Weather: 50's to start, sunny, not much wind.
Wardrobe: Nike shorts; tank top, hat, injinji socks and Skora shoes.
Execution: Well, I haven't looked at my splits or anything yet. Since the run was 'don't look at the watch' I want to gauge this how I felt.
Nutrition: I had another fat bomb before heading out. This one didn't upset my stomach nearly as much. I had some water along the way but not a ton.
From today, I learned: Stay positive; focus on the process and focus on what I do well. For hills, I've lifted a lot of weights so I'm strong, I have a good posture and I can stay relaxed. For flats, I have good cadence. For down hills, just have hella fun.
Bonus: I'll have a separate Before and After post from this run. It's how I entertain myself sometimes. Also, this was a really thing that happened today. At least they're not as mean as geese.
After the run, Sunday weights and Sunday abs.
Route: I call this the "Thank God the Roads Are All Open" Route. I run it usually at least once before the 10 miler. It includes parts of the course including that hill up to Franklin Ave and the enter into St Paul.
Weather: 50's to start, sunny, not much wind.
Wardrobe: Nike shorts; tank top, hat, injinji socks and Skora shoes.
Execution: Well, I haven't looked at my splits or anything yet. Since the run was 'don't look at the watch' I want to gauge this how I felt.
- I am a little freaked out by that big orange strip on the heart rate zone graph, though I do think it matches my effort. I'm just a little what have I done to myself?
- I did well on the up hills. I focused on keeping my shoulder blades relaxed and 'down my back' and keeping relaxed.
- I went hard, but stayed 'loose'. And then I had this thought of 'this is what marathon training is going to be like'
- I focused on what I do well, including having a good cadence.
- I both fought 'till the end and tried to take the last mile easy.
Nutrition: I had another fat bomb before heading out. This one didn't upset my stomach nearly as much. I had some water along the way but not a ton.
From today, I learned: Stay positive; focus on the process and focus on what I do well. For hills, I've lifted a lot of weights so I'm strong, I have a good posture and I can stay relaxed. For flats, I have good cadence. For down hills, just have hella fun.
Bonus: I'll have a separate Before and After post from this run. It's how I entertain myself sometimes. Also, this was a really thing that happened today. At least they're not as mean as geese.
Loony Challenge 3 Weeks To Go
Weekly Miles Planned: 36 Miles. Peak week!
Actual:31+ miles run, 4+ elliptical 'miles' and a little walking for 37+ miles total
Long Run Miles Planned: 10-12 Miles
Actual: 10.22 Miles on Tuesday morning
Sunday Planned: 6-10 Miles at MAF, Sunday Kettlebell Workout, Sunday Abs
Actual: 8 Miles on the track. (8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 workout). This was a rough workout. Even after a significant cooldown from the run, my HR was still way too high for weights so I abandoned that in favor of not passing out. No abs yet.
There's a heat advisory in Minneapolis, so running outside in the late morning is no fun.
From today, I learned: This running workout started out rough. After the 'warm up' I focused on running smoothly, and running hard but 'leaving something in the tank'. So, this workout turned out to be about listening to my body.
Monday Planned: 6-10 Miles at MAF, Plyos
Abs: Sunday abs done
Weights: Sunday weights, done in full this time.
Run: 1.5 miles on the track
Elliptical for 60 minutes
Bonus Yoga video in the evening.
From today, I learned: Yesterday's shit workout was completely my own fault. I was dehydrated, like over a few days just hadn't had enough water, lazy dehydrated. So I spent the afternoon on Sunday sucking down water, and I drink a lot of water while I was on the elliptical today as well.
Tuesday Planned: 4-6 Miles at MAF, Lift Weights
Run: 10.22 Miles in the morning. This is a swap for either Monday or Sunday when I was feeling like crap.
Weights: Tuesday weights done, except all the bench press benches were full so I did overhead press today.
Bonus yoga video in the evening again. And then I went to bed at like 8pm.
From today, I learned: Get up early and get it done?
Listen to my body: I didn't look at my watch until the final mile of the run. I just went off how I was feeling. I was feeling like I was working harder than a normal MAF run, but like I had gas left in the tank as well.
I'm actually more surprised with myself for getting weights done this afternoon. I knew what my work schedule looked like, plus I got stuck in traffic, but done and done!
Wednesday Planned: 1 Mile Run
Actual: 1.16 miles on the track, plus 2 laps walking for a total mileage of 1.5 miles. (Wahoo)
From today, I learned: They aren't all going to be high mileage days. But my heart rate is back where I think it should be so I think I'm feeling better.
Thursday Planned: 4-6 Miles at MAF, Lift Weights
Actual: 1.25 Miles on the Treadmill.
Thursday weights done. Including 1 set of 5 assisted pull ups with only 50lbs of help. I did bench press today, swapped with Tuesday.
From today, I learned: I changed the mileage today because of an all day rain storm and much better predicted weather tomorrow. I have done a run or two in the rain this cycle, and I just wasn't feeling it today.
Friday Planned: 1 Mile Run
Actual: Run 5.48 miles in the morning, easy. Bonus abs. (I'm now realizing I didn't do a 'finisher' for this run, so I'm glad I did the abs.) Btw, I was running in like 20mph winds at one point. It was really awesome.
From today, I learned: This was a great run. I think I'm feeling better than the crap fest that was earlier this week.
Saturday Planned: 4-6 Miles at MAF, Plyos
Actual: 4.18 Miles, easy, in the morning. 3 Minutes finisher.
From today, I learned: I am captain grumpy pants on the weekends. No, seriously, sometimes an easy effort is just the right thing. I focused on running my own pace and not getting distracted when other runners passed by.
Actual:31+ miles run, 4+ elliptical 'miles' and a little walking for 37+ miles total
Long Run Miles Planned: 10-12 Miles
Actual: 10.22 Miles on Tuesday morning
Sunday Planned: 6-10 Miles at MAF, Sunday Kettlebell Workout, Sunday Abs
Actual: 8 Miles on the track. (8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 workout). This was a rough workout. Even after a significant cooldown from the run, my HR was still way too high for weights so I abandoned that in favor of not passing out. No abs yet.
There's a heat advisory in Minneapolis, so running outside in the late morning is no fun.
From today, I learned: This running workout started out rough. After the 'warm up' I focused on running smoothly, and running hard but 'leaving something in the tank'. So, this workout turned out to be about listening to my body.
Monday Planned: 6-10 Miles at MAF, Plyos
Abs: Sunday abs done
Weights: Sunday weights, done in full this time.
Run: 1.5 miles on the track
Elliptical for 60 minutes
Bonus Yoga video in the evening.
From today, I learned: Yesterday's shit workout was completely my own fault. I was dehydrated, like over a few days just hadn't had enough water, lazy dehydrated. So I spent the afternoon on Sunday sucking down water, and I drink a lot of water while I was on the elliptical today as well.
Tuesday Planned: 4-6 Miles at MAF, Lift Weights
Run: 10.22 Miles in the morning. This is a swap for either Monday or Sunday when I was feeling like crap.
Weights: Tuesday weights done, except all the bench press benches were full so I did overhead press today.
Bonus yoga video in the evening again. And then I went to bed at like 8pm.
From today, I learned: Get up early and get it done?
Listen to my body: I didn't look at my watch until the final mile of the run. I just went off how I was feeling. I was feeling like I was working harder than a normal MAF run, but like I had gas left in the tank as well.
I'm actually more surprised with myself for getting weights done this afternoon. I knew what my work schedule looked like, plus I got stuck in traffic, but done and done!
Wednesday Planned: 1 Mile Run
Actual: 1.16 miles on the track, plus 2 laps walking for a total mileage of 1.5 miles. (Wahoo)
From today, I learned: They aren't all going to be high mileage days. But my heart rate is back where I think it should be so I think I'm feeling better.
Thursday Planned: 4-6 Miles at MAF, Lift Weights
Actual: 1.25 Miles on the Treadmill.
Thursday weights done. Including 1 set of 5 assisted pull ups with only 50lbs of help. I did bench press today, swapped with Tuesday.
From today, I learned: I changed the mileage today because of an all day rain storm and much better predicted weather tomorrow. I have done a run or two in the rain this cycle, and I just wasn't feeling it today.
Friday Planned: 1 Mile Run
Actual: Run 5.48 miles in the morning, easy. Bonus abs. (I'm now realizing I didn't do a 'finisher' for this run, so I'm glad I did the abs.) Btw, I was running in like 20mph winds at one point. It was really awesome.
From today, I learned: This was a great run. I think I'm feeling better than the crap fest that was earlier this week.
Saturday Planned: 4-6 Miles at MAF, Plyos
Actual: 4.18 Miles, easy, in the morning. 3 Minutes finisher.
From today, I learned: I am captain grumpy pants on the weekends. No, seriously, sometimes an easy effort is just the right thing. I focused on running my own pace and not getting distracted when other runners passed by.
Tuesday Long Run: Too Early in the Morning
Plan: Step 1: Get out of bed when the alarm goes off.
Step 2: Run and don't look at your watch. Aim for 'working but have gas left in the tank' effort level.
Route: I used my Creek/River/Greenway Loop. I've had some bad experiences on this route, but some good days as well.
Weather: Sort of raining as I walked out the door. Foggy as anything I've ever run in at the low spots on the creek and near the river. There was a touch of rain during the run, but nothing too bad.
Wardrobe: Illuminite shirt and shorts (they are reflective), wool socks, a hat, runner head lamp because I left at 4:40am to get this done before work.
Execution: I mean, I wish my paces were faster for the heart rate, but I got the effort gauged perfectly I think.
Nutrition: I had a 'fat bomb' before the run. That was not the right way to wake up. If i have enough good avocados on race day, that is for sure the direction I'm going. I carried water on the run and drank about 6oz while I was out. No food. Besides aggravating my stomach, the fat bomb did fill me up.
From today, I learned: I had a lot of thoughts last night about runner safety. It's so interesting the messages we give ourselves about where and when women can run, when we should be alone or in a group. The amount of space this occupies in my head is impressive. I actually felt better about things with the rain. I was all 'no one wants to be out in this crap' and just went for it.
Bonus: I actually did Tuesday weights this afternoon. If I can stay awake tonight, I'm going to do an 'evening yoga' video as well.
Step 2: Run and don't look at your watch. Aim for 'working but have gas left in the tank' effort level.
Route: I used my Creek/River/Greenway Loop. I've had some bad experiences on this route, but some good days as well.
Weather: Sort of raining as I walked out the door. Foggy as anything I've ever run in at the low spots on the creek and near the river. There was a touch of rain during the run, but nothing too bad.
Wardrobe: Illuminite shirt and shorts (they are reflective), wool socks, a hat, runner head lamp because I left at 4:40am to get this done before work.
Execution: I mean, I wish my paces were faster for the heart rate, but I got the effort gauged perfectly I think.
Nutrition: I had a 'fat bomb' before the run. That was not the right way to wake up. If i have enough good avocados on race day, that is for sure the direction I'm going. I carried water on the run and drank about 6oz while I was out. No food. Besides aggravating my stomach, the fat bomb did fill me up.
From today, I learned: I had a lot of thoughts last night about runner safety. It's so interesting the messages we give ourselves about where and when women can run, when we should be alone or in a group. The amount of space this occupies in my head is impressive. I actually felt better about things with the rain. I was all 'no one wants to be out in this crap' and just went for it.
Bonus: I actually did Tuesday weights this afternoon. If I can stay awake tonight, I'm going to do an 'evening yoga' video as well.
Loony Challenge 4 Weeks to Go
Weekly Miles Planned: 35 Miles
Actual: 33.5 Miles. The perfectionist in me is bothered by this, but the healthier part of my brain is fine with it.
Long Run Miles Planned: 10-12 Miles
Actual:: 10.96 Miles on Sunday morning
Sunday Planned: 6-10 Miles at MAF, Sunday Kettlebell Workout, Sunday Abs
Run - 10.96 miles, same route as my last long run, though a touch faster than last time
Sunday Kettlebells - done; I used at 12kg bell for squats and high pulls, and started with a 6kg bell for overhead press, and then moved to an 8kg bell for 4,3,2,1 sets
Abs - also done. Then I lay on the floor and stretched for a while.
From today, I learned: Run: I can go a bit harder and last the distance.
Weights: I am strong enough for the 8kg, though it's always gonna be harder after a long run
Bonus learning from today: I'm re-reading Mind Gym and the author says he challenges the athletes he works with to think in their training about what they can learn to be better tomorrow. That's how this bullet got added to my training logs.
Monday Planned: 6-10 Miles at MAF, Plyos
Actual: 7 Miles Run around Baker Park Reserve. My 'finisher' today was running up the big hill at the end instead of walking. This was a well done run. I went 'harder' but had stuff left in the tank too. A solid effort for the day.
From today, I learned: The hills weren't as bad as I thought.
Look about at the ground, about six feet ahead on the hill, don't look at the top
My hill mantra is 'pick up my knees and fly away' or 'fly' for short
Tuesday Planned: 4-6 Miles at MAF, Lift Weights
Run 5.31 Miles in the morning. Easy.
Weights: Tuesday weights. Including I did 2 sets of squats at 80lbs (bar + 17.5lbs on each side), and 1 set at 75lbs. I didn't think I could do the heavier weight, but then I tried it and it was okay, so I tried it for a second set.
From today, I learned: Running - I was looking at 'paces' from last year and realized I need to calm my shit down, becuase my heart rate training is in a lot different place from last year, like running solidly at lower heart rates than I could last year.
Also, easy days easy.
Wednesday Planned: 1 Mile Run
Actual:4.53 miles of trail running. This was completely not at MAF. The last part of it was all out and super fun.
From today, I learned: I can push hard focusing on effort, not pace. Push hard and let the run flow.
Thursday Planned: 4-6 Miles at MAF, Lift Weights
Actual: 1.21 Miles in the morning. Weights will not be today.
From today, I learned: Get up and get it done!
Friday Planned: 1 Mile Run
Actual: 1.3 Miles on the treadmill
Thursday weights. For some reason overhead press were crazy hard this morning.
From today, I learned: How to enter weight reps into Carb Manager. How does it not have 'overhead press' as an exercise? Nor the assisted pull up machine.
Saturday Planned: 4-6 Miles at MAF, Plyos
Actual: 3.25 Miles in the crazy hot weather. 3 minutes 'finisher' at the end. This 72* is from 8am before I even headed out to run.
From today, I learned: I need to think about my long run tomorrow. Like, what do I want to get out of this long run and how can I accomplish those goals in the heat? Because it was hot today and it's going to be at least as bad tomorrow.
Actual: 33.5 Miles. The perfectionist in me is bothered by this, but the healthier part of my brain is fine with it.
Long Run Miles Planned: 10-12 Miles
Actual:: 10.96 Miles on Sunday morning
Sunday Planned: 6-10 Miles at MAF, Sunday Kettlebell Workout, Sunday Abs
Run - 10.96 miles, same route as my last long run, though a touch faster than last time
Sunday Kettlebells - done; I used at 12kg bell for squats and high pulls, and started with a 6kg bell for overhead press, and then moved to an 8kg bell for 4,3,2,1 sets
Abs - also done. Then I lay on the floor and stretched for a while.
From today, I learned: Run: I can go a bit harder and last the distance.
Weights: I am strong enough for the 8kg, though it's always gonna be harder after a long run
Bonus learning from today: I'm re-reading Mind Gym and the author says he challenges the athletes he works with to think in their training about what they can learn to be better tomorrow. That's how this bullet got added to my training logs.
Monday Planned: 6-10 Miles at MAF, Plyos
Actual: 7 Miles Run around Baker Park Reserve. My 'finisher' today was running up the big hill at the end instead of walking. This was a well done run. I went 'harder' but had stuff left in the tank too. A solid effort for the day.
From today, I learned: The hills weren't as bad as I thought.
Look about at the ground, about six feet ahead on the hill, don't look at the top
My hill mantra is 'pick up my knees and fly away' or 'fly' for short
Tuesday Planned: 4-6 Miles at MAF, Lift Weights
Run 5.31 Miles in the morning. Easy.
Weights: Tuesday weights. Including I did 2 sets of squats at 80lbs (bar + 17.5lbs on each side), and 1 set at 75lbs. I didn't think I could do the heavier weight, but then I tried it and it was okay, so I tried it for a second set.
From today, I learned: Running - I was looking at 'paces' from last year and realized I need to calm my shit down, becuase my heart rate training is in a lot different place from last year, like running solidly at lower heart rates than I could last year.
Also, easy days easy.
Wednesday Planned: 1 Mile Run
Actual:4.53 miles of trail running. This was completely not at MAF. The last part of it was all out and super fun.
From today, I learned: I can push hard focusing on effort, not pace. Push hard and let the run flow.
Thursday Planned: 4-6 Miles at MAF, Lift Weights
Actual: 1.21 Miles in the morning. Weights will not be today.
From today, I learned: Get up and get it done!
Friday Planned: 1 Mile Run
Actual: 1.3 Miles on the treadmill
Thursday weights. For some reason overhead press were crazy hard this morning.
From today, I learned: How to enter weight reps into Carb Manager. How does it not have 'overhead press' as an exercise? Nor the assisted pull up machine.
Saturday Planned: 4-6 Miles at MAF, Plyos
Actual: 3.25 Miles in the crazy hot weather. 3 minutes 'finisher' at the end. This 72* is from 8am before I even headed out to run.
From today, I learned: I need to think about my long run tomorrow. Like, what do I want to get out of this long run and how can I accomplish those goals in the heat? Because it was hot today and it's going to be at least as bad tomorrow.
Trail Run Wednesday
Plan: This has to be a fast run because of some timing issues. So, run fast.
Route: Blue Hill Trail and I find the elevation map on here to be the most accurate to my own experience. Somehow, Strava is not doing this one justice.
Weather: High 70s or low 80s, slightly humid, crazy sunny, and there was a fair bit of wind later in the run. Garmin is saying about 10mph, but it felt like more than that.
Wardrobe: Guys shorts, 2xu tank (the one where in theory the pockets are a good idea, but not so much in practice), hat, trail shoes, tall socks. It looked like this:
Execution: I tried to keep myself in check for a little while, because I did not have a long warm up, but eventually I just let it rip. I had a blast.
Nutrition: The run was only 4.5 miles so I didn't carry anything with me. Instead let me tell you how happy I am that I did not step on this turtle: super happy. PS - it's a boy!
From today, I learned: Running into the wind: don't force it. Focus on form and keeping the movement fluid.
Running fast can be fun but exhausting.
Don't look at the pace. The pace is for trails and without a solid warm up.
Do a solid warm up on race day.
Bonus: Remember that year I had 'trail Mondays' and it was a thing? That was also the year I found all of the ticks in the world. I really enjoy this trail and I wish it were closer to me. I'd solid bring back Trail Mondays just for this.
Route: Blue Hill Trail and I find the elevation map on here to be the most accurate to my own experience. Somehow, Strava is not doing this one justice.
Weather: High 70s or low 80s, slightly humid, crazy sunny, and there was a fair bit of wind later in the run. Garmin is saying about 10mph, but it felt like more than that.
Wardrobe: Guys shorts, 2xu tank (the one where in theory the pockets are a good idea, but not so much in practice), hat, trail shoes, tall socks. It looked like this:
Execution: I tried to keep myself in check for a little while, because I did not have a long warm up, but eventually I just let it rip. I had a blast.
Nutrition: The run was only 4.5 miles so I didn't carry anything with me. Instead let me tell you how happy I am that I did not step on this turtle: super happy. PS - it's a boy!
From today, I learned: Running into the wind: don't force it. Focus on form and keeping the movement fluid.
Running fast can be fun but exhausting.
Don't look at the pace. The pace is for trails and without a solid warm up.
Do a solid warm up on race day.
Bonus: Remember that year I had 'trail Mondays' and it was a thing? That was also the year I found all of the ticks in the world. I really enjoy this trail and I wish it were closer to me. I'd solid bring back Trail Mondays just for this.
Bonus Long Run
Plan: This run is not about pace. This run is about listening to my body. This run is about understanding what my body does on hills. And have fun!
Route: Baker Park Reserve - I'll ask Strava in a minute how long it is since I've been here, but for sure over a year. I've missed this place so hard.
Weather: Started in the 50s and some wind. It was a bit chilly at the start. Super sunny and gorgeous day.
Wardrobe: Shorts, tank, road/trail shoes. I wore my bearcat colors today.
Execution: I had a blast. I ran hard, but not so hard I was miserable. I am purposefully not looking at my splits yet, because today was not about pace.
Nutrition: Half a salted avocado before the run, then hard boiled eggs wrapped in prosciutto afterwards and two cans of La Croix.
From today, I learned:
I need to have Saturday races in my head in addition to the 10-miler, which has been my biggest focus.
I can run well when I listen to my body.
My mantra for the hills was 'fly' or 'pick up my knees and fly away' and my mantra for all the other times was 'flow'
I can run well on some hills, and looking at the ground about 6 feet in front of me was really helfpul
I need to have a Saturday nutrition plan, because I ran hard and now I do not want anything to eat. That will not go well on race weekend.
Bonus: I absolutely froze to death on the way home. It was in the 60s and I had the heat and my seat heater on. That's another thing to remember for race day.
Route: Baker Park Reserve - I'll ask Strava in a minute how long it is since I've been here, but for sure over a year. I've missed this place so hard.
Weather: Started in the 50s and some wind. It was a bit chilly at the start. Super sunny and gorgeous day.
Wardrobe: Shorts, tank, road/trail shoes. I wore my bearcat colors today.
Execution: I had a blast. I ran hard, but not so hard I was miserable. I am purposefully not looking at my splits yet, because today was not about pace.
Nutrition: Half a salted avocado before the run, then hard boiled eggs wrapped in prosciutto afterwards and two cans of La Croix.
From today, I learned:
I need to have Saturday races in my head in addition to the 10-miler, which has been my biggest focus.
I can run well when I listen to my body.
My mantra for the hills was 'fly' or 'pick up my knees and fly away' and my mantra for all the other times was 'flow'
I can run well on some hills, and looking at the ground about 6 feet in front of me was really helfpul
I need to have a Saturday nutrition plan, because I ran hard and now I do not want anything to eat. That will not go well on race weekend.
Bonus: I absolutely froze to death on the way home. It was in the 60s and I had the heat and my seat heater on. That's another thing to remember for race day.
Long Run Sunday - another day on the river flats
Plan: Run the same route as the last long run. Let the heart rate creep a little higher, but still use the heart rate monitor. (My watch was set to beep at 153bpm vs the usual 145bpm.)
After the run, do Sunday weights and Sunday abs.

Route: I really like the route from my last long run so I used it again. I'm not too strict on how I wind my way through downtown. I just follow the streets that give me a green light to cross. My Garmin got a little lost today among all the buildings.
Weather: Started off in the 50s, ended in the 60s. Sunny and a slight bit of wind. This was a great day. It was cool enough that I could really enjoy the run without over heating.
Wardrobe: Nike guys shorts, my all shirt, visor, wool socks and my purple skora shoes. Those are the shoes I wore last year on race day, and probably will again, so why not practice in them?
Execution: I was really happy with this run. My heart rate did get a little wild at the end, but it felt better than the last long run, and I felt more in control during the later miles than I did last time when I threw in some walks.
Weights went much better than last week when I had to abandon. I used a 12kg bell for squats and high pulls, and a 6kg bell for sets 7,6,5 of overhead press, then an 8kg bell for the remaining sets.
Nutrition: Pre run: Avocado. During the run: A sip of water, literally. Maybe I should just not carry water on these runs any more? It's getting to be kind of a hassle. After the run, a Larabar and Coffee with cream for the bus ride home.
Bonus: This was the first Vikings home game. Game time was 12pm. I wasn't bothered by the Vikings people while I was running, but Caribou had a line out the door for coffee, and the bus got caught in traffic getting home. So in the future, I think I'll probably check the schedule and plan ahead for game days.
After the run, do Sunday weights and Sunday abs.

Route: I really like the route from my last long run so I used it again. I'm not too strict on how I wind my way through downtown. I just follow the streets that give me a green light to cross. My Garmin got a little lost today among all the buildings.
Weather: Started off in the 50s, ended in the 60s. Sunny and a slight bit of wind. This was a great day. It was cool enough that I could really enjoy the run without over heating.
Wardrobe: Nike guys shorts, my all shirt, visor, wool socks and my purple skora shoes. Those are the shoes I wore last year on race day, and probably will again, so why not practice in them?
Execution: I was really happy with this run. My heart rate did get a little wild at the end, but it felt better than the last long run, and I felt more in control during the later miles than I did last time when I threw in some walks.
Weights went much better than last week when I had to abandon. I used a 12kg bell for squats and high pulls, and a 6kg bell for sets 7,6,5 of overhead press, then an 8kg bell for the remaining sets.
Nutrition: Pre run: Avocado. During the run: A sip of water, literally. Maybe I should just not carry water on these runs any more? It's getting to be kind of a hassle. After the run, a Larabar and Coffee with cream for the bus ride home.
Bonus: This was the first Vikings home game. Game time was 12pm. I wasn't bothered by the Vikings people while I was running, but Caribou had a line out the door for coffee, and the bus got caught in traffic getting home. So in the future, I think I'll probably check the schedule and plan ahead for game days.
Loony Challenge Step Back Week - 5 Weeks To Go
Step Back Week
Weekly Miles Planned: 20-25 Miles
Actual: 22+ Miles, and some walking
Long Run Miles Planned: 5-8 Miles How are there only 5 weeks to go?!?
Actual: 6 Miles a couple different days this week
Sunday Planned:t 1-6 Miles Run at MAF, Sunday Kettlebell Workout, Sunday Abs
Actual: 1.16 miles run, walked 'till my mileage for the day was 2 miles. Tried Kettlebells and got dizzy and super high heart rate so gave up the ghost. Not every workout can be perfect.
Monday Planned: 1-6 Miles Run at MAF, Plyos
Actual: 1.21 miles in the morning. You may call me captain grumpy pants.
Tuesday Planned: 1-6 Miles Run at MAF, Lift Weights
Actual: Run 1.21 miles in the morning. No weights. Captain Grumpy Pants is still captaining the ship over here.
Wednesday Planned: 1 Mile Run
Actual: 6 Miles Run. I didn't look at my heart rate or my pace, I just ran for fun, and it felt good.
Tuesday weights done on Wednesday. I'm still grumpy in the morning, but I found time this afternoon to get some things done.
Thursday Planned: 1-6 Miles Run at MAF, Lift Weights
Actual: 6 Miles in the morning. 3 minutes 'finisher' at the end of the run. This was a great run. It was nice and cool in the morning. (Pics taken from roughly the same place on two different days. Hello sunrise!)
Friday Planned: 1 Mile Run
Actual: 4.16 Miles before dawn. First flashlight run of the summer/fall. Thursday weights today. (I'm a day off because I was a grump on Tuesday).
Saturday Planned: 1-6 Miles at MAF, Plyos
Actual: 3 Miles around my happy place. 3 minutes 'finisher' at the end of the run. I was super grumpy and felt a bit lousy during this run. Then I realized I'll be at this same place in my cycle on race day, so I started making plans in my head, about 'adjusting' my cycle slightly.
Weekly Miles Planned: 20-25 Miles
Actual: 22+ Miles, and some walking
Long Run Miles Planned: 5-8 Miles How are there only 5 weeks to go?!?
Actual: 6 Miles a couple different days this week
Sunday Planned:t 1-6 Miles Run at MAF, Sunday Kettlebell Workout, Sunday Abs
Actual: 1.16 miles run, walked 'till my mileage for the day was 2 miles. Tried Kettlebells and got dizzy and super high heart rate so gave up the ghost. Not every workout can be perfect.
Monday Planned: 1-6 Miles Run at MAF, Plyos
Actual: 1.21 miles in the morning. You may call me captain grumpy pants.
Tuesday Planned: 1-6 Miles Run at MAF, Lift Weights
Actual: Run 1.21 miles in the morning. No weights. Captain Grumpy Pants is still captaining the ship over here.
Wednesday Planned: 1 Mile Run
Actual: 6 Miles Run. I didn't look at my heart rate or my pace, I just ran for fun, and it felt good.
Tuesday weights done on Wednesday. I'm still grumpy in the morning, but I found time this afternoon to get some things done.
Thursday Planned: 1-6 Miles Run at MAF, Lift Weights
Actual: 6 Miles in the morning. 3 minutes 'finisher' at the end of the run. This was a great run. It was nice and cool in the morning. (Pics taken from roughly the same place on two different days. Hello sunrise!)
Friday Planned: 1 Mile Run
Actual: 4.16 Miles before dawn. First flashlight run of the summer/fall. Thursday weights today. (I'm a day off because I was a grump on Tuesday).
Saturday Planned: 1-6 Miles at MAF, Plyos
Actual: 3 Miles around my happy place. 3 minutes 'finisher' at the end of the run. I was super grumpy and felt a bit lousy during this run. Then I realized I'll be at this same place in my cycle on race day, so I started making plans in my head, about 'adjusting' my cycle slightly.
Looney Challenge - 6 Weeks To Go
Weekly Miles Planned: 34 Miles
Actual: 34+ miles
Long Run Miles Planned: 12 Miles
Actual:: 10.91 Miles on Sunday
Sunday Planned: 6-10 Miles at MAF, Sunday Kettlebell Workout, Sunday Abs
10.91 Miles Average HR was 138, but it was around 150 at the end.
Sunday Kettlebells: done
Sunday Abs: Also done, which surprises no one more than me
Monday Planned: 6-10 Miles at MAF, Plyos
Actual: 8 Miles at MAF. On the track, inside, because it was 76* and 85% humidity when I woke up. Like yesterday, my heart rate got a little wild around mile 7. Did I mention this was inside? I'd headed to the gym with the idea of doing most of this on the elliptical listening to an audio book, but then I was all 'just see how far you can make it on the track' and then I did the whole thing there.
Tuesday Planned: 4-6 Miles at MAF, Lift Weights
Actual: 1 Mile on the treadmill. It was raining and the weather is supposed to be on point the next couple of days.
Tuesday weights: accomplished except I did overhead press instead of bench press. First time I've been at the gym and both benches were in use the entire time. I will swap for Thursday.
Wednesday Planned: 1 Mile Run
Actual: 5.25 miles, 3 of which where in Z3. This run was a pleasure. Mileage is swapped with yesterday because of the weather. 3 minutes 'finisher' after the run.
Thursday Planned: 4-6 Miles at MAF, Lift Weights
Actual: 4.31 miles run, in the afternoon. I'm always slower (read: my heart rate goes nuts easily) after lifting.
Thursday weights, except I did bench press instead of overhead press becuase of Tuesday.
Friday Planned: 1 Mile Run
Actual: 1.21 miles after work. I was a bit stiff, and sort of grumpy to start with. But I drove 175 miles today, so really this was a great way to end the day and the work week. (And yes, I totally set my 6pm 'you have to run' alarm, but I wound up not needing it.)
Saturday Planned: 4-6 Miles at MAF, Plyos
Actual: 3.25 miles around one of my favorite lakes. (This was all the miles I needed to finish up the week.) I wore sandals for this run. Sandals and grass do not mix. Quick 'finisher' after the run.
Actual: 34+ miles
Long Run Miles Planned: 12 Miles
Actual:: 10.91 Miles on Sunday
Sunday Planned: 6-10 Miles at MAF, Sunday Kettlebell Workout, Sunday Abs
10.91 Miles Average HR was 138, but it was around 150 at the end.
Sunday Kettlebells: done
Sunday Abs: Also done, which surprises no one more than me
Monday Planned: 6-10 Miles at MAF, Plyos
Actual: 8 Miles at MAF. On the track, inside, because it was 76* and 85% humidity when I woke up. Like yesterday, my heart rate got a little wild around mile 7. Did I mention this was inside? I'd headed to the gym with the idea of doing most of this on the elliptical listening to an audio book, but then I was all 'just see how far you can make it on the track' and then I did the whole thing there.
Tuesday Planned: 4-6 Miles at MAF, Lift Weights
Actual: 1 Mile on the treadmill. It was raining and the weather is supposed to be on point the next couple of days.
Tuesday weights: accomplished except I did overhead press instead of bench press. First time I've been at the gym and both benches were in use the entire time. I will swap for Thursday.
Wednesday Planned: 1 Mile Run
Actual: 5.25 miles, 3 of which where in Z3. This run was a pleasure. Mileage is swapped with yesterday because of the weather. 3 minutes 'finisher' after the run.
Thursday Planned: 4-6 Miles at MAF, Lift Weights
Actual: 4.31 miles run, in the afternoon. I'm always slower (read: my heart rate goes nuts easily) after lifting.
Thursday weights, except I did bench press instead of overhead press becuase of Tuesday.
Friday Planned: 1 Mile Run
Actual: 1.21 miles after work. I was a bit stiff, and sort of grumpy to start with. But I drove 175 miles today, so really this was a great way to end the day and the work week. (And yes, I totally set my 6pm 'you have to run' alarm, but I wound up not needing it.)
Saturday Planned: 4-6 Miles at MAF, Plyos
Actual: 3.25 miles around one of my favorite lakes. (This was all the miles I needed to finish up the week.) I wore sandals for this run. Sandals and grass do not mix. Quick 'finisher' after the run.
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