
I am a visionary

I already knew that, but now there's proof:
Here is your profile:

Your 4 Quadrant Style Guide

Left-Brain Abstract (Analytic):
Think in terms of facts, details and ordered information.
Left-Brain Concrete (Conclusive):
Think in terms of problems and quick solutions.
Right-Brain Abstract (Synthetic):
Think in terms of large, global concepts and ideas.
Right-Brain Concrete (Interactive): Think in terms of conversation.

Want to know more? See complete quadrants description here.

The Visionary

You're the ultimate universal, holistic thinker! Yes, you're a visionary. Everything, including the smallest detail, needs to be synthesized into a framework that answers the question, "How?" Before you begin any project or task, you need to see the big picture. Not one step can be taken until you know how that one step fits into the whole.

Yes, I think that's true.

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