
Things that make me go hmmm

I was reading a post over at Boingboing that absolutely baffled me. In this article the author is talking about how publishing houses recognize most books aren't going to make the Best Seller list.

The part which caught my attention was this line:

"while book publishing may be greatly driven by our need for bestsellers, in the same way that many American policies are “driven by” our national need for easy access to petroleum, we don’t in fact spend every second of every day wandering around in a frenzy obsessing about bestsellers, any more than everyone in America spends all their time invading Middle Eastern countries or grovelling at the gas pump. "

Seriously, Americans aren't "spending all our time invading Middle Eastern countries"? I knew I should have changed the channel on my TV more often. I should have known that by now. Also, they misspelled "grovelling". It only has one L.

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