
quick running update

As always: I did run yesterday, which I think I said, 3.8 miles. Today I tried running. I made it about 1.5 miles before I made a fatal error. I stopped to walk down a hill and just never got started again.

Here's what's happening for anyone who knows about sports related injuries who may be reading this blog:

My right quad gets stiff sometimes and then it's painful to walk on. If I go on a long walk that loosens it up and it feels normal. When I run I feel stabbing pains going up the front of my leg which a really bad at first and then get way less severe as I keep running. The pain always increases when going down hill (which is not a surprise) and almost disappears when I'm running up hill. If I stop running at all, like to wait for a crosswalk, and then start again the stabbing pain is as bad as it was when I started running.

I really enjoy walking but not as much as running. I just don't feel like I've worked out unless I get good and sweaty so this who "my leg hurts like a money while I'm trying to run thing" just isn't working for me.

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