
The antics contiune

The antics continue on many levels.

One: I still am not doing my homework. I am so bad.

Two: In addition to identifying Mark Foley as a democrat, which FoxNews fixed by not identifying him at all, another FoxNews anchor is blaming Florida voters for electing Foley in the first place. It's funny, I've always thought of the Democrats as the party more likely to eat their young, but apparently it's the Republicans for now.

Three: My knee still hurts. It's locking up when I walk, although it doesn't hurt in the morning when I wake up and it doesn't hurt when I run. It hurts when I've been sitting all day. Hmmm, maybe this is a sign I shouldn't go to school. Rats, now I'm actually thinking about not going to school. I really am bad.

Four: He's still calling once a day, although today he didn't leave me a message.

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