
It's really windy today

It's really really windy today. I did get up and run. In the wind. It wasn't that cold so it wasn't totally painful when the wind was blowing.

I had my anxiety group presentation. It was long but it went well. I hate group presentations because I never know what all the other people are going to do. Lots of people said they liked it. I think it did have some high points. We showed a video called Fish on a hook (opens a video) that just about gives me a panic attack every time I watch it.

Now I'm making chicken stock with a whole chicken. The lesson I've learned from this is that in the future, I need to buy wings or thighs or legs but not the whole damn bird. Partly it's too much meat and there's not enough room left in the pot to make a lot of stock. Also I can't deal with the whole carcass.

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