
Behind the Blog Name

So, my Pooky Bear is blogging again and I'm trying so hard not to copy any of her questions. I lasted 8 days y'all.

The Story Behind My Blog Name:  In high school I was in a youth employment program and we learned about caves and bats among other things.  There are 4 "a"s in my whole name.  So my first email address was a4bats@aol.com I am not making this up.  When Blogger was all "what do you want to call your blog?" it just seemed like a great idea.

The quote that runs on the top of the blog, "There is nothing you cannot be. There is nothing you cannot do. There is nothing you cannot have." is a quote from a book called Conversations with God by Neal Donald Walsch.  Mom read that book first, when I was in high school, and probably a time or two after that.  I've listend to it on audio book more than once.  Different parts of the book speak to me at different points in my life.  As my Pooky Bear points out, this blog is like 14 years old, and that quote is still relevant. 

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