
does anybody now

Does anybody probably named Kelly, but Amanda may know too if it's possible to post things besides pictures on blogger. In all the free time I've created for myself this summer (by not going to school or working very hard) I found some photo morphing freeware that's pretty fun.

Anyways, I was playing today after running 4.28 miles and I created a cool .gif file it could also be a .swf file or an .avi file. I'd like to put it up here but I'm not really sure blogger is going to let me.


  1. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Dork - I could set you up so you can store stuff on my server. I've got tons of space there I don't use.

  2. I'm not sure whether to say thank you or take offense to the dork comment.

  3. Anonymous2:28 PM

    I don't really know you, but in the title of your posting, you misspelled the word "know."

    That's all. Oh yeah, I love the Bald Guy Greetings cards. Those are so funny.
