
My Pet Spider

My "pet" spider...

Some background: A day before I met my new 'pet', my cousin's wife (Supermom) puts this status on Facebook that her dtr Supergirl (such a good blog name right?) was talking to some boys at her preschool.  One of the boys says 'oh this other girl can play with us too because she's pretty' and Supergirl replies 'I'm not just pretty.  I'm strong, and I can lift a chair over my head.  And I respect nature, I have a bird feeder.  And I listen to my parents'.  She's four.  (This is paraphrased, but I've hit the key parts.)

When I got home from my trip, I discovered I had a new 'pet' on my patio.  Normally, I'd leave her alone, but she'd specifically moved onto my patio chair, and wove her web across a walkway I use all the time.  This spider is big for Minnesota and I'm aware of it's presence from touching it's web which is crazy strong. Ok, time to be a grownup.

I found a stick, and slowly deconstructed the web.  My pet spider took refuge on my patio chair.  That's not cool.  So I had to gently approach her with a very long stick.  I got her to climb on that so I could relocate her to 'not on my patio'.  Y'all know I got some pictures first, right? After this, and after I stopped feeling my spider crawling on my skin everywhere, I posted on facebook about my adventure, and gave Supergirl credit for the strength to get through this.  The facebook status was so popular, I wound up naming the spider after Supergirl.  The real Supergirl says I'm funny because I said the spider's web could also lift my chair over it's head.  Did I tell you how strong this web was?  I almost got scissors and knives to clean it up. 

A day or two later I went back out to my patio.  I guess spider-Supergirl has forgiven me.  She's rebuilt her web in a much more convenient place.  It's on some pipes up against a wall, so it's not in my way.  I hope she gets lots of good food there.  I've posted a couple update picks on Facebook so Supergirl knows that I am glad for her example and I too respect nature.

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