
Dec 1 - COVID Diaries

 I cannot even believe it's December.

I saw one of my most favorite nurses today and she asked how I'd been.  "every day is the same" I replied.  It's kind of true.  There's parts I like about working from home, like parts I hope I can keep after lock down ends.  And there's parts I'm like "let me out; I can see humans again".

In running life, my foot is soooo much better.  And I'm getting stronger in running in general.  This year has been a real shit show for running, so feeling a bit stronger is lovely.

In 'what'd I sign up for now' life, I am doing a walking challenge for December, 30 miles on the month, so roughly a mile a day.  I tried some inside miles tonight after the sun went down. That was not ideal, so maybe I'll walk a mile in the morning and run in the afternoon? It's a thought.

In pandemic life... it's just EVERYWHERE right now.  Every time I turn around, someone I know or someone I work with or... someone's getting sick.  And it's such a crap shoot.  It's such a range of "I have no symptoms" to "I felt lousy for a couple of days" to "in the hospital and having breathing assistance" to death.  Young healthy people get nailed.  Frail old people skate through.  And vice versa.  For 80% or so, it's mild.  But yo, do you feel lucky?  Do you want to see if you're in that other 20%. 

Minnesota is a hot spot, but also expected to have a vaccine for front line health care workers in a couple of weeks?  Weeks?!?  I can't believe I'm writing that.

This is one of those things, when I look back on it, I'm really going to remember the uncertainty. Who's sick?  Who's exposed?  If we get sick, how bad will it be?   Will the vaccine really work? Will I get to see Grandma again?  So much uncertainty.

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