
Hotter than sh!t

Well, really it is.

Dietary update: Last weekend when I was home, it's possible my dad guilted me back into being a 'vegetarian'.  Of all freaking people.  He was ticked when I spontaneously became a vegetarian in seventh grade.  So why this of all the stupid things I've done?  (And I've done some stupid stuff.)  Because I'm sort of familiar with Diet for a Small Planet and since I'm not going to go vegan, I could at least be a little responsible.

Here's where I am with this right now:
  • Chicken is okay because I said so.  Reasons #1 I said so: chickens use less grain than cows and pigs for similar amounts of protein and energy so if we're not feeding the grains directly to people, this is the most efficient use for them. (I try to buy pasture fed chickens and eggs anyways, so they're not getting much grain to begin with unless it's winter and the pasture is frozen.) Reason #2: I'm a distance runner so I require tons of protein and I'd never get it all without animal protein of some kind. 
  • Fish is basically okay, as long as it's sustainable.  No Chilean Sea Bass for me.  (Too bad because it's really good.)  Go here to find out what sea food is good for you and the environment.  It's a good guide to both imported and US fish, what types of fishing methods are sustainable, and what fish has so much mercury it will kill you.
  • Beef is okay only if I know the cows were grass fed and not given rBST or anything equally stupid.  Steaks from my co-op are fine.  Steak Gorgonzola Alfredo at the Olive Garden is definitely out.  If you're going to cook me a steak, just lie and say it's grass fed even if you don't have a clue. That way we can both be happy.
  • Bacon: Dilemma.  I have no idea what to do about bacon.  I don't really know anything about sustainably growing pigs so I have no criteria on which to judge this purchase.  I love bacon.  Please help.
  • Salami and Prosciutto: I refer you to bacon.  There were the only types of pork I was going to eat.  I don't eat ham, pork chops or pork loin now.
  • Turkey: I never really liked you anyways.  It does fall with chicken in the 'less stupid use of grains' category.  Organic turkey bacon is so expensive as to render it a completely non-viable option for bacon replacement.  Is there such thing as turkey sausage?  That could be good.
Running update: Obviously I haven't been outside.  You saw the weather right?  This coming week I had a 20-miler scheduled.  I looked at the actual training schedule and realized technically that run didn't have to come for another week, I just had my weeks moved around.  So I think I'm going to re-arrange them in the correct order, have a step back week, and do my workouts inside.  A low of 80* is just too ridiculous for running.

Other stuff: Amanda and I went out for dinner.  I'm renewing my love affair with Indian food (best vegetarian food in the world!) so we went to the Indian Restaurant we found when I passed my last licensing exam.  Then we walked around the mall and shopped.  Amanda has a great eye for clothes.  I have more fun trying on clothing now that I've lost some weight.

After dinner, Amanda had to do an overnight shift because she can't say no to people at her job.  I decided I would stay up and keep her company by texting her.  I also did
  • Two loads of laundry (and flooded the laundry room again)
  • Unpacked from my trip (yes, I did get back six days ago)
  • Cleaned my living room
  • Cleaned my kitchen and did dishes and washed the toaster oven and turned on the dishwasher
  • Cleaned my bathtub and sink.  Apparently I owe my bathtub an apology becuase I had soap scum that was both caked on and totally invisible to the naked eye.  I could only feel it with my sponge.  (Totally my bad.)
  • Took out the recycling
  • Vacuumed the whole place (it's not that big)  The vacuum was also looong overdue.  I cleaned out the filter afterwards and there was enough dust to create an actually bunny.  (Oops again.)
Now I am facing the eternal question: Do I inflate my air mattress so I can sleep in the living room next to the air conditioner?  Otherwise I can just take my chances in my bedroom which is air conditioned but far away from the source of the cool.

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