
Three Things:

1. When I woke up this morning, my arms hurt.  It was almost as if they were saying, "what were you thinking climbing up in that tree?  
It wasn't from the one I hung upsidedown in, it was from the one that defeated me.   That was a hard moment because there was a long time in my life when I could have done that easily.  I took gymnastics for seven or eight years.  It was my body saying, "nope, I don't work like that anymore".  That's harsh.
2. I'm saying as a goal that I'd like to run 65 miles in October.  That's about 15 miles a week.  I think I need to be runing more than I am.  It is a wonderful way to exercise.  I ran 4 miles this morning (11:13 miles).  My arms are still sore.
3. I love the blogger widget for macs.  I'm predicting it will result in many short posts like this one that I can write before work.

Bonus: who's got a good recipe for apple sauce that does no require a mill?  

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