A nice day to hang out and enjoy friends.
Eating the apples in the field.
Climbing trees.
This year I think we can include the corn pancakes we had before apple picking.
But one of my favorite things about apple picking is: the pictures
No one knows exactly what Amanda was thinking when this shot was taken. Does it matter really? I find it just as fun to think "what context, what set of details, what circumstance would make this picture ok?"

All possibilities are hysterical.
There's a good one. It was really hot. Given our history of apple picking when it's like -20*, today was like walking on the sun.

There were also pumpkins there. I got one. I cannot wait to roast pumpkin seeds. Again, why is it 85* on the first day of fall? I have to wait 'till it cools down before I can turn my oven on long enough to bake the things. I'm also strongly considering making pumpkin pie with fresh pumpkin. Special note: I don't think I'm allowed to have a jack-o-lantern here because it will attract squirrels and other vermin, so it's really the best use.

For some reason, Amanda climbed all of the trees today. My only tree exploit came later on. Can you find her in there? She's well camouflaged.

When I look through my pictures of Amanda and Kelly and I and there are many I seem not to have too many of just Kelly and I. Tons of Amanda and Kelly, boatloads of Amanda and I, but like three of Kelly and I. There's the one taken ages ago with one of Amanda's old phones. There's the one of us camping. I think there are some from your wedding that were taken by the photographer, and of all the ones we took today, I think this is the best. I think I don't have so many pictures of just you and I because for a while you were the only one with a camera so you were always taking pictures of Amanda and I. And then when I got a camera, I learned you didn't like to have your picture taken and now I fear you.

As you can see, we don't have one picture of all three of us from this event. What did we do instead? Acted like monkeys of course. While this idea was all Amanda, I'm amused that Kelly was actually the first one to successfully pull it off. I found the most graceful way to get down from the tree so we all added our own touch.

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