
3X Thursday

1.How would you describe your personality? Do you like it? Why why not?
When I hear personality, I think INFJ. I'm other things too. I'm a total gadget head and a nerd. I love to learn and I love music. I also enjoy hanging out with people and enjoy my alone time. I do like my personality. I'm trying to figure out how to treat people well within my personality, I can't imagine changing it.

2. What type of personality do you like the best? Why?
I like being an INFJ. I do appreciate the extroverts in my life. I need help talking to new people and exploring new things so I appreciate people whose personality is different from my own.

3. Do you believe that there are just certain personalities that don't mix well? Why/why not? When you are put in a situation with someone who is vastly different than you, how do you deal with it?
I think all personalities can mix and help each other. I've gotten along well with a couple people who I can't believe I was ever friends with because we were so different. We really got along and enjoyed our differences.