
This is just wrong

In honor of the weekend, I took a couple Blogthing quizzes. This first one while hilarious, is just wrong. Nevertheless, I want everyone to see it.

Your Bumper Sticker Should Be

Barbie is not a slut - her legs won't open

For the second one, I know I have a habit of mentioning the inaccuracy of these quizzes. (I hold the above bumper stick as an example.) However, this one is fairly dead on except one thing.

Your Love Life Secrets Are

Looking back on your life, you will have a few true loves. I'm thinking of their names right now. They're not who I thought they'd be.

You're a little scarred from your past relationships, but who isn't? I hold out my last almost relationship as an example.

You expect a lot from your lover - you want the full package. You tend to be very picky. I really am.

In fights, you are able to walk away and calm down. You are able to weather the storm. I'd say that was true, I also tend not to fight that much.

Getting over a break-up doesn't take long. Easy come, easy go. And here we have our major inaccuracy. I can be bitter for a while, sometimes even when I initiate the break up. I'm not sure where the quiz writers got the idea I don't hold a grudge, although I can see how they could make the mistake.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:34 PM

    Well, since A was confused by the comment I made on the other blog, and perhaps you were too, or maybe you were just ignoring me, I'll ask again, since you're talking about relationships:

    What is your current feeling about your state of singleness? Lovin' it, hatin' it? Too busy to be anything but, or would you find time for that special someone if you found him?
