
I can hardly believe

I'm amazed to be sitting here at 11:04am having just run 7.5 miles. (I know, that is a long way) After doing short runs all week so I could go to work on time (ask me why I wanted to do that) I decided that I should just run for a long long time. It did sort of take me forever. It's one of those runs where there's a hill at the end that just saps all my strength.

It was also good practice for trail running. As you'll remember, the Run for the Apples is mostly on a trail. Being a city girl, I'm used to sidewalks and pavement. Running on trails uses a whole other set of muscles that I don't use too often. I know running on concrete is like the worst thing ever but I think my body is more used to that the way my knees and ankles feel running on the grass along side the asphault trail at Lake Nokomis and Minnehaha Parkway. Still, seven miles... seriously.

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