
Go Fish!

As I mentioned before I set up my fish tank on Thursday. Amanda actually got me the tank for Christmas. But I was sadly unable to set it up for a while due to recurring issues with bed bugs. (The filter has to be unplugged and the tank covered during any bed bug spray.)

As you can see, it's a small tank (read: beginner). Amanda taught me that one inch of fish needs a whole gallon of water to live in. So I chose two small guppies (both boys, I'm in favor of family planning here) to live in the tank.

It was a bit of an adventure to get them relocated. First the PetCo bag sprung a leak. Then I realized I don't own a fish net. (How to get them from the bag into the tank without dumping water from Tank A into Tank B?) I did a little internet research, and a fast operation to keep the bag from leaking all over the living room. And the fish were relocated after about 20 minutes of living half in a pitcher and half in the bag.

I haven't named them yet but I have a couple of ideas. I'm considering auctioning off naming rights to my fish as part of my marathon fund raising efforts. The only rules are it has to be a name (and the meaning of the name) that I can say to my mentee and to my parents without blushing.

Here's my ideas:
Winter and Sprinter
Yuppy and Puppy the Guppies
Max and Albert
Merle and Earl
Hawkeye and Buckeye

Any votes? Any write-ins?

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