
Gotta love these headlines

It seems as though there's not much to report in my life. Most of my life has been taken up with work which has been busier than normal while we prepare for two three day weeks in a row. It's Passover. (You know you want to work at a Jewish agency too. Don't be jealous.) I'm still running which is having it's ups (accidentally running to Lake Harriet last week) and downs (not running today because I was tired, how lame is that?). Although, when I was running on that path and came up this little tiny hill and saw Lake Harriet at the last minute, I never felt more like a runner. I never felt happier either.

In the mean time, the headlines as of late (and some of the actual stories) are just too good:
  • Chia-Obama no longer sold at Walgreens. You'd think it's from The Onion, especially with the part about the "Happy Chia Obama" and "Determined Chia Obama". But no. It's a real story.

  • How did America's most famous (and maligned) Mom pay for the medical procedures that led to the birth of octuplets? By working a ton of overtime as a psychiatric technician. Oh, the ironies abound.

  • This article just pissed me off because they don't know what they're talking about. And I just wanted you all to know that it's wrong. Where did it go wrong? FTA (emphasis mine):
    The term “OCD” has recently displaced “anal” in contemporary slang as a way of describing people who are more than usually meticulous, pernickety or pedantic – the sort of people who are never satisfied unless things are just right. If this reflected a greater understanding of obsessive compulsive disorder, it might be no bad thing. In fact, it has simply increased the degree of misunderstanding by confusing two different conditions with almost the same name. “Anal” people do not usually have OCD at all; they simply have an obsessive compulsive personality type, meaning they’re a bit fussy. People with OCD, in contrast, are suffering from a serious anxiety disorder that greatly impinges on their lives.
    Here's the thing. There is actually a diagnosable disorder called "Obsessive Personality Disorder" and you don't have it just by being anal. This article is not clear and that annoys me. I just wanted you to know.

  • A couple of articles I find interesting (and possibly no one else will). First, It's impossible to buy a stick shift anymore. So sad. Even at my young age, it was like a rite to learn how to drive a stick. And, Who the heck still doesn't have a Facebook account?. I feel your pain.

  • There's possible new diagnostic testing for both Alzheimer's Disease (would you really want to know ahead of time?) and Schizophrenia. Ok seriously, I thought the mask was right side out at first. Back to the Alzheimer's thing, it actually is important to know as early as possible because the Alzheimer's meds work better the earlier they are given in the course of the disease.

  • For some reason, people think everyone on welfare is on drugs and they are going to test that theory. It's not true by the way. Stop being mad at people for having less than you do.

  • And speaking of drugs, decriminalization of drugs is something I've been a fan of for a long time. It takes the money and the danger out of the business. And it's worked in Portugal for several years.

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