
Interior decoration

As I've noted before, there's this blog about Ikea that had a post that reminded me of Amanda. We got a boatload of those mirrors when we were at Ikea Sunday night. I can't seem to resist the urge to offer my advice, so here goes: I like the idea of painting the mirrors different colors. It wouldn't be too hard with some spray paint and would look really nice. That said, I was happy to go shopping with you and will be happy to be part of any mirror-hanging-laser-leveling-double-sided-tape foray.

I'm excited for my interior decorator to visit on Thursday. I even thought about cleaning up the joint before then. I haven't yet, but I did think about it. I also tried to get paint swatches but Ace closes at 8p instead of 9p like every other store on the planet. How sad. I'm starting to have more and more ideas about my bedroom which was really hard last week. I have this sweatshirt that's this light purple. Every time I wear it I get compliments on the color even though it's totally ratty. Here's a picture:

I think a nice light shade of purple like that would be nice. I think we can find a tone that's in the same family as my curtains so they can stay as well. I know the bedroom is the one room in the house where it's acceptable to "go dark" and I really appreciate a dark bedroom. I'm just not feeling like the paint job in there should be that oppressive.

And, as a special treat, I have never had to say this. And I've said many odd things in my career.

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