
3X Thursday

1. Do you consider yourself smarter than most people? Why/why not?
Oh hell yes. That's not really fair. I consider that I have been in school longer, and perhaps been more successful in school than some people. I think people have lots and lots of valuable life experience that I lack, and that's a valuable learning tool as well.

2. Do you believe that smartness can be judged with an I.Q. score? Why/why not?
I think IQ can be judged with an IQ score for upper middle class white people who speak English. It may be a good measure of how someone will do in school, but not necessarily success in life.

3. Do you think that we as humans have the potential to evolve some more, or is this the end of the line for us? Why/why not?
Yes we evolve, even the supreme court has "evolving standards" relating to decency and how we treat people. For example, we as humans have moved forward in time far enough that slavery is now totally outlawed in every country in the world. (Outright official legally sanctioned slavery anyways.) I think the move to legalize and support gay marriage and the movement to end capital punishment are also "evolving standards" of how we treat people.

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