2. 22 Useless Myths That Can Cost You Money is another great installment from this blog. It's a really helpful way of thinking about money, wealth, and how we get there. If you've never see The Ririan Project check out some of the other stuff there.It seems almost too obvious to point out, but idling cars get zero miles per gallon. According to the Department of Energy, no more than 30 seconds of idling is needed to warm up a car, even on cold winter days.
3. The 20 Most Annoying Tech Products is a great list of things that annoy us all, including the ubiquitous AOL Free Trial CDs, DRM in any shape or form, and products that don't work right.
This information does not change the fact that my transmission makes a very loud "THUD" and jerks me in my seat when I put my car into reverse when cold. Having already replaced a transmission once, I don't care to repeat the experience. If I don't have to use reverse, I don't let it warm up very long. Who has time for that anymore?