
(Wrong Squash)+(Ultimate Freezer Challenge)=One Big Fiasco

That's pretty much how my night went. No, I think I must being earlier.

It all started about 3:00 today. That's when my boss got a call that someone got evicted from their home and needed housing. Today. It was about 3:02 that this became my problem. Ultimately we were able to find a good solution. It took some time but no one really went into crisis mode. The person from my agency who would normally do this is out of town. That was about 90 minutes that were spent in a way I hadn't planned, although ultimately productive.

So it was about 4:30 when I got my next call and 4:50 when I got the one after that. Both of those calls were my problem too. Come on people, it's 4:50. I want to go home. So I stayed late today. Really for so much going on, it was ultimately fairly stress free. Except I'm a bonehead and forgot to pack the file I need for my first-thing meeting tomorrow. Woops.

When I got home I picked out three recipes out of my magazines that I thought I'd like to make. They were
  • Calabacitas. They were the last thing I made, but definitely didn't turn out well. I had an issue where I didn't have the right kind of squash. Instead I found the only substance harder than diamonds: winter squash. In the end, I had pumpkin left over from our orchard trip that was much easier to use. I haven't tried that one. I'll let you know.

  • Chard with Green Olives, Currants, and Goat Cheese. Yum. I only have two helpings. I'm having one right now. I wish I had more because this is a big bowl full of goodness. I'm having a beer with it. Goat Cheese and beer were meant for each other. Also, what is a currant?

  • Edemame Succotash. Another bowl full of yum although I haven't really tried it.
I'm trying to cook my meals ahead, so now everything is set for the whole week. I'll let you know if it works. I'm not sure yet. I'm also on the Ultimate Freezer Challenge in an attempt to have my old freezer and fridge empty by the time it needs to be traded in. I'm doing ok with it. Those five pounds of raspberries I bought the other day are almost gone. (Amanda, were you with me when I bought those?)

After picking out my meals I went to the gym. I ran intervals today. I ran 1 lap (1/6 of a mile) and walked half a lap for 35 minutes or until I had run two miles. That is hard work. Wanna know how hard? I ran 3 miles in 35 minutes the last time I ran at the Y. This time, I still went three miles in the same amount of time, but I walked one of those miles. So how fast was I running the other two? Wow. I did the rowing machine too. I love the rowing machine. It's relaxing and a great arms work out, and I think underestimated as an abs workout.

Then I went shopping. My food was expensive. I guess I better eat it all. I came home and cooked everything (as noted above) and am now enjoying a beer before bed. I'm hoping that I can get up and go to the gym tomorrow. I'm a little behind on my eight visits.

Just a couple updates before I go:
the link that's supposed to say "awesome" still doesn't. No, seriously. On any of the Overheard in the Office pages. Woops.

The coolest password ever. I wonder if the password cracking software check this one at the top of any of their lists. Hee hee.

And, sadly, there is a new "Your Mom" player and we have all been schooled.

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