1. It's warmer than in the morning.
2. I try to be lit up, brighter than a Christmas tree because it's dark, people are tired, and I want to be as easy as possible to see.
3. Apparently, I tend to run faster than in the mornings, possibly because I'm already awake.
4. I don't like to run as far. Really what happened tonight was I thought I would run 4 miles but I looked at my watch after the third mile, and thought, "hmm, if I go straight I wonder how fast I can make it home" which put me on the 3.6 mile track.
I went shopping at the Wedge Co-op afterwards and ran into a girl I hadn't seen in a long time. It was nice to stop and chat. While there, I got my secret ingredient for my homemade creamy chicken wild rice soup.
That's right: Heavy Cream.
I'm trying to poke around the internet at high speed so I can sleep, something I've been sorely lacking the past couple of days. Here's the cool headlines that caught my eye.
1. First, a series of pages from Overheard in the Office. Social Worker #1, my first hero of the day. Social Worker #2 who apparently read how her colleague used "shut up" and literally brought it to a whole new level.
2. I can so relate to this.
3. CO Radio Host Challenges Ellison's Ethics, Morality. I haven't read this story yet (remember, speed browsing), but this whole story is very interesting to me since I live in Minnesota's Fifth District. To the rest of the country I can safely say, it's really not even a blip on the radar here. I know this next comment will get me in trouble... The Fifth District of Minnesota got together and elected this man knowing his story, his background, his faith. Do you really think the possibility that Keith Ellison would swear an oath on the Quran didn't cross our mind sometime before we voted?
4. Get Rich With God is a story I haven't read, but it has an interesting title so I thought I'd pass it along.
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