
Great things we should all get to see

Environmentalism: It's not just for white people. I'm so glad someone is actually writing about this. Most environmental problems disproportionately impact people who are poor and minorities (higher asthma rates in inner cities, for example) that it seems ridiculous that part of the population is so excluded for finding the solution.

Bats are dying from a mysterious fungus. So sad. I used to do surveys for the Indiana Bats. I didn't do a whole lot in mines. And most of the caves in Kentucky closed for the winter to accommodate the hibernating bats.

A helpful look at what the numbers inside the recycle logo actually mean. So helpful.

Improve your vocabulary. On an intellectual level, I always knew number seven, but it's been so long since I've read music, I don't know if I could have recalled it immediately without the help.

The most helpful websites someone in the UK could identify. Some of them look cool. I haven't been through all of them yet.

And finally, for Amanda You know what this is about and if you want to feel good this is probably the better way to go.

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