
What a long strange trip it's been

It was a fairly uneventful trip yesterday, in the sunshine, to Cincinnati where there's no snow on the ground and none expected for the duration of my stay. This morning I woke up and did a walking path with my dad. It's around an airport and by the rivers (which have all flooded). It was fun. And then I went out to lunch with my mom. Now I'm waiting on a friend to call and tell me if she wants to do something tonight. Although, I'd be perfectly happy just taking a nap.

Since I haven't blogged in a while, I've a ton of things I'd like to share:
1. Haven't we all felt this way?
2. Kelly mentioned the Kitchen Cure and I think it looks intriguing as well. Did I mention my sink didn't work when I left town. Still. It's been two weeks.
3. I think this recipe looks really good but some others think I'm nuts. Maybe I'll have an open house for my kitchen (once the sink is working) and make them then.
4. Some hilarious pranks. This site plays streaming video with sound, but none start automatically so if you're at work you'll have a second to turn the volume down.
5. 8 records I'll never spend time trying to break. The guy with the ear-hair is creepy. Why would you let it get that long? And who was the runner up for that record?
6. There's a joke here, I just can't get the bat off my shoulder....
7. For Amanda whose mirrors look better than these I think.
8. Another poor planning moment or an opportunity for cross cultural understanding? Really I prefer the squatters. They're ultimately cleaner and aiming is not that hard.
9. 101 Web Resources for Students for you to know about while you're in school and also if you're a teacher, to know how students will try to cheat.
10. We really need a study from Harvard to tell us this? It's true though.

1 comment:

  1. So are you doing the Kitchn Cure? I started last night!
